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Tubal blockage caused by chronic inflammation, chlamydia infection and mycoplasma infection can be cured by proper traditional Chinese medicine.You can know more at the following website.Good luck!

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Q: What causes the blockage of food when eating?
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No You throw up the contents of your stomach not from your intestines. A blockage can cause you to vomit not the other way around. However if you have no other symptoms than throwing up then it is unlikely you have a blockage, blockages hurt.

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eating spoiled food, you can also get it from dehydration

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It can't. Bacteria causes the food to rot.

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Blockage by plaques

What causes shakes after eating?

It could be many things, if you think the shaking was caused by eating something it may be food poisoning.

What causes a Massive Heart attack?

Blockage of the larger arteries that are used on the left side of the heart. Stress, fear, unhealthy eating habits, high blood pressure or heart disease.

Does Crohns disease cause vomiting after eating?

It can if your stomach and upper intestines are actively involved. Vomiting blood at any time is serious and medical assistance is immediately required. Some of the medications used to treat a Crohn's flare can irritate the lining of the stomach causing bloody vomit.

What causes women to feel sick after eating?

A person can feel sick for a few reasons. Some might be.... *Spoiled / "bad" food, food poisoning *Eating too quickly *Eating too much *Allergic reaction to food *Too much movemtn after eating *Acid reflux *Indigestion