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they are kept cold... very cold while going from green to yellow, by the grocer. If bought and taken where it is hot, say a non-a/c car, then the heat will split them all open by the time you get home.

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14y ago

too much water! pick before ripe and put in the windowsill to ripen.

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8y ago

A tomato will split if roughly handled. If a growing tomato plant becomes too dry, and is then over watered, the tomato will swell and split the skin.

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Q: What causes a banana to split as they ripen?
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A banana will ripen (and go bad) faster than an apple, and last would be a lemon.

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Having the banana in a plastic bag at room temperature will ripen it sooner than placing it in the refrigerator.

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H2o, leave the banana in a bowl for a couple of days.

What gas causes food to ripen?

The gas that causes food to ripen is Methane - It's commonly used to ripen bananas on an industrial scale.

How do you spell banana split in Italian?

You say it Banana Split! Who wouldnt known!

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Pears ripen pretty quickly, but if you put in a bag with a banana or an apple the gases from these fruits will make the pear ripen quicker.