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good and many

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Good and Plenty

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Q: What candy is opposite of bad and few?
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What is the opposite of treat?

The opposite of "treat" at Halloween is "trick" (although few modern kids resort to mischief or vandalism if they don't get their candy). The opposite of "a treat" or luxury item would be a necessity. The opposite of the verb "treat" (medically) would be to harm or injure. To not treat is to ignore or neglect.

What is the opposite to candy?

Sour pickles, perhaps?

Is Mexican candy bad for you?

Mexican candy can be just as bad for you as other types of candy. Check what the ingredients are to see just how healthy it is.

Candy definitions on good and bad candy?

Cheeze =p.

When was Lollipop Candy Bad Girl created?

Lollipop Candy Bad Girl was created on 2006-10-11.

What candy is the opposite of favorite day for working people?

Since the opposite of "favourite day" would be the worst day and candy is supposed to taste really good, the answer would be along the lines of garlic or onion flavoured chewy candy.

What do you do with a bad egg holding a rare candy?

well if you don't want the bad egg or the rare candy then release the egg with the rare candy or if you want to keep the rare candy take the rare candy away from the egg and release the egg (i don't think you can get a bad egg but if you get one follow this answer

Do nerds the candy go bad?

This candy, like all candy, can "go bad". However, before you buy them in the store, there is a representative in the candy company who comes by and checks the date to make sure that the candy is fresh. There is little chance that you will get an out of date box.

What is the opposite of good idea?

The opposite of a good idea would be a bad idea. Depending on how bad you could also say terrible idea.

How do you spell sevearal?

The word is spelled several. It has a meaning similar to a few. I bought 1 candy bar. I bought a few candy bars. I bought several candy bars.

What is the opposite few?

The opposite of few (small in number) would be many, or possibly most.