

What can you use instead of Mentos?

Updated: 12/5/2022
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Q: What can you use instead of Mentos?
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magnify glass
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Does every pop explode with mentos?

stop with the mentos and get some pie instead.

What type of Mentos and soda mixed creates the biggest explosion?

the holes in the mentos

What candy besides mentos can make Diet Coke explode?

you will want to use mint mentos because it has the best reaction to the soda

What soda should you use to fly a cardboard airplane?

use diet coke with mentos. dump sum out and stick mentos on tape and put it in there . shake and open

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you can use Mentos and baking soda

Why does mentos react to mentos?

your dume

Do volcanoes erupt with sprite and Mentos?

no because they are different tipe of matter so the mentos is chasing the gas in the coke is chasing the gas away

What type of Mentos do you need?

Mint Mentos dont work, use the fruity kind. To get the best results, take a liter of diet coke, shake it, add some fruity mentos, and shake again. then uncap and run away!!

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Who is drVanMento?

Dr.VanMento is the doctor that invented mentos he is mr."mentos"

Which candy is called the fresh maker?

Mentos, the freshmaker!

How do you make Mentos and coke explode?

Because of the carbon dioxide in the Mentos :)