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Some of the basic things that can stress your Betta fish would be:

- Having other Betta fish in the same tank (they are very aggressive)

- Cool water temperatures (should be 78 on average)

- Water currents (water should be fairly still)

- Removing your Betta fish from tank too often

Among many others. But the biggest one would be having an UNCLEAN TANK. The water should be changed at least once a week to keep your Betta fish happy and healthy.

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15y ago

Reasonable conditions required for a male Betta include at least 2 gallons (3 gallon tank required) of good, clean, well filtered water, kept at a temperature of about 78F, a pH of around 6.8 and a GH of around 150-200ppm. The tank should be planted with both floating and rooted plants and well lit for 12 hours and unlit for 12 hours. (equal night and day). They need to be fed at least once daily and their diet should consist of specialised flakes/pellets for Bettas and at least one feed of live food weekly (more often is good).

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Place it in a larger well planted aquarium

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15y ago

Bettas are egg layers. They can not get pregnant. Left alone without a male and a chance to breed, her body will eventually re absorb her ova (eggs) to no ill effects.

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Can betta fish change color from blue to red?

Yes, betta fish can change color from blue to red due to genetic factors, stress, or environmental conditions.

Why did my betta fish die?

There are several reasons why a betta fish may die, including poor water quality, improper diet, stress, disease, or old age. It is important to ensure that your betta fish is kept in a suitable environment with clean water, proper nutrition, and minimal stress to help prevent future deaths.

Will two male Betta fish get along in the same bowl?

No, they will fight. It would stress them out.

Is it safe to keep my betta fish in a cup overnight?

No, it is not safe to keep a betta fish in a cup overnight. Betta fish need a proper tank with clean water, filtration, and adequate space to swim and thrive. Keeping them in a cup can lead to stress, poor water quality, and health issues for the fish. It is important to provide a suitable environment for your betta fish to ensure their well-being.

Why do betta fish change color?

Betta fish change color due to a combination of genetics, environment, and mood. Their color can intensify or fade based on factors like stress, age, and health.

How many betta fish should be kept in a tank to ensure their well-being and optimal living conditions?

Betta fish are best kept alone in a tank to ensure their well-being and optimal living conditions. Keeping multiple betta fish together can lead to aggression and stress, so it is recommended to have only one betta fish per tank.

Can betta fish be kept with other fish in the same tank?

Betta fish are typically aggressive and territorial, so they are best kept alone in a tank to prevent conflict with other fish. Mixing bettas with other fish can lead to stress, injury, or even death for the betta and other fish. It is recommended to provide bettas with their own space to thrive.

What are the reasons why betta fish die?

Betta fish can die due to various reasons, including poor water quality, improper tank conditions, overfeeding, diseases, and stress. It is important to provide a suitable environment and proper care to ensure the health and well-being of betta fish.

Why is my betta fish on its side?

Your betta fish may be on its side due to a swim bladder disorder, which can be caused by overfeeding, poor water quality, or stress. It is important to monitor your fish's behavior and consult a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Why is my betta fish turning red?

Betta fish can turn red due to stress, genetics, or a bacterial infection called red pest. It is important to monitor your fish's behavior and water conditions to ensure its health and well-being.

Why is my betta fish dying and what can I do to save it?

There are several reasons why a betta fish may be dying, including poor water quality, improper diet, or stress. To save your betta fish, you should ensure that its tank is clean and properly maintained, feed it a balanced diet, and create a stress-free environment with appropriate water temperature and decorations. Consulting a veterinarian or a knowledgeable fish expert may also be helpful in determining the specific cause of your betta fish's illness and finding the best course of action to save it.