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Q: What can be done to keep egg shells from cracking when cooking?
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What do sea otters use for survival?

They groom there fur because it needs to be clean to keep the otters warm. and it has a pouch under its armpit to hold rocks which they use for cracking shells of animals they eat

Why does your cheesecake keep cracking?

Make sure when you take it out of the tin, that you have loosened the edges first and that it is not sticking. If this doesn't work, try cooking it for slightly less time (but not too much!).

How do roads keep from cracking?

It is impossible to keep a road from cracking, because of temperature changes and precipitation. However for concrete road constructions has a better chance of not cracking as often because of re-bar reinforcement .

Why does my thumb keep making cracking noise?

You are craking your fingers.

Does foil keep cooking oil clean?

yes, foil does keep cooking oil clean.

What are waste cocoa shells used for?

Cocoa shells can be used for mulch for plants. Just keep pets away!

Do snails change shells in the spring?

Snails do not change their shells ever. They keep their shell up to the day they die.

Is chicken breast done when no juice is coming ou?

you want juice in your chicken breast, a good wayto check, is cutting into the middle, if it is white it is done, if you see pink you need to keep cooking it. When the center is white it is done. That's how you tell by eye.

What preventative treatment can I perform to keep a leather chair from cracking and splitting over time?

To keep leather from cracking and splitting, keep your chair away from heat and direct sun. Clean up any spills immediately and make sure to use a leather conditioner often.

Should you cut the strings off roast beef before cooking?

This will depend on how the roast will be cooked. If cooking roast in the oven it's best to keep the strings on to keep roast together for even cooking. Remove strings if cooking roast in crockpot.

What should be done to deserve good sanition?

always keep your hands and area you are cooking in clean, and always cover your food with aluminum foil or a very clean towel

How do you gain a level in cooking skill on sims 3?

Just keep cooking and you will eventually gain a cooking skill.