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If you're asking how to destroy food-borne illness, heat potentially hazardous foods to an internal temperature of 165 degrees fahrenheit. This is especially important for chicken, and other meats usually need to be heated only to 145 degrees fahrenheit to kill all of the bacteria that normally exists in them

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Q: What can be destroy illness causing bacteria?
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What is the medical term meaning disease-causing bacteria?

The medical term for disease-causing bacteria is "pathogenic bacteria." These bacteria have the ability to cause infections and illness in the body.

What is the definition of pasteurzation?

Partial sterilization of liquids such as milk, and cheeses, to destroy disease-causing bacteria.

Disease-causing organisms are known as?

Bacteria and viruses that cause illness are known as pathogens.

What is the purpose of culture and sensitivity testing?

its a test which helps find what organism (usually bacteria) is causing an illness. Its also a test that helps find what antibiotic is best to treat the illness

How are microorganisms helpful in medicines?

They get to the body and fight with the bacterias because both are in a similar state. They destroy the disease: causing bacteria.

Stimulates the body to produce chemicals that destroy viruses and bacteria?

The immune system is stimulated to produce antibodies that can target and destroy viruses and bacteria when the body detects an infection. This immune response helps to neutralize the pathogens and prevent them from causing harm to the body.

How is RMSF spread?

The bacteria causing RMSF is passed to humans through the bite of an infected tick. The illness begins within about two weeks of such a bite.

What is a virus or illness causing fever and headache?

A virus or illness causing fever and headache: flu.

Why was pasturisation invented?

Pasteurization is a process of heating food so that the majority of illness causing bacteria are killed but at the same time not causing the quality of food to deteriorate. So it was invented to kill germs but not degrade food.

What illness or disease does compylobacter bacteria cause?

acute enreric illness

What is the body system that helps us recover from an illness?

The immune system helps us recover from illness by identifying and fighting off invading pathogens, such as bacteria and viruses. It does this by producing antibodies and sending white blood cells to attack and destroy the foreign invaders.

What is incubation used for in culturing?

When doctors are trying to determine what bacteria is causing an illness they sometime get a sample from the person and swab it on a shallow glass dish that contains a material the bacteria like and grow on. Once the bacteria has grown into colonies technicians look at them under a microscope to determine what the bacteria is. The process of growing the colonies of bacteria is called culturing