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Q: What can a friend who is allergic to cinnamon use in recipes that call for cinnamon?
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Related questions

What are some ingredients for cinnamon sugar pecan recipes?

Typically, cinnamon sugar pecan recipes call for ingredients such as sugar, water, ground cinnamon, salt, pecans, and egg white. Recipes for cinnamon sugar pecans can be found on AllRecipes.

What recipes use cinnamon roasted pecans?

Try finding a recipe book that is dedicated to Cinnamon and pecans. There are seasonal dishes, breads, and desserts that all call for these ingredients.

What measurement of cinnamon is used in an apple cake recipe?

Most apple cake recipes call for 1 teaspoon of cinnamon. If you want a hint more cinnamon had a half teaspoon onto that. If you don't like cinnamon just use 1/2 teaspoon.

Is Robert Pattinson allergic to vaginy?

if you're referring to when he said "i'm allergic to vagina's" he isn't really. This, my friend, is what we call, humour.

What Italian recipes for seafood do not include shellfish?

Most Italian recipes call for shellfish. Shellfish can be excluded and substituted for other types of fish that people are not allergic too. Other types of meat can also be used.

What do Yoruba people call cinnamon?

Yoruba people call cinnamon "owiwi" in their language.

What do you call cinnamon in Swahili?

cinnamon is hiliki or iliki!

What do you do if my friend happens to have extreme allergic reactions?

I do nothing. But your friend should have a shot handy. If no medicine is available, call 911. If your friend has an Epi Pen, they should use it themselves, or if they are unable to, you can do it for them if you know how.

What do you call cinnamon stick in Hindi?

Cinnamon stick is called "dalchini" in Hindi.

What you call friend in Malayalam?

If your friend is a boy then you call him kootkaran . And if your friend is a boy you call her kootukari.

Can your horse be allergic to bee stings?

Yes, and if you notice the horse having an allergic reaction, call the vet.

Do you have to put magarine to make a cake?

Most cake recipes actually call for butter. Some recipes call for vegetable oil. It all depends on the recipe.