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I have used a percolated coffee filter and a couple of toothpicks before to make a garni bag and it worked perfectly, be careful lifting it out at the end though because the material isn't as strong and can split if roughly handled.

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Q: What can I use to make a garni bag and don't have cheese cloth?
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Because chesse is smellish and yummy yeah yeah?

yes cheese is so so yummy and does not smell unless you make it moldy like an idiot would do so. and dont worry cheese is scrumdidlyumtious so make it special and eat cheese even if it is moldy cheese is yummy dont forget meg like it to mystic meg remember

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On HorseIsle who makes cheese cloth?

Ha ha ha! There is no such thing as "cheese cloth" on Horse Isle. I think you mean "royal blue cloth" or maybe you don't even know what your talking about... Ha ha ha. You need to check again and see what is it that you want to make. I can promise you there is no "cheese cloth" on Horse Isle. - ForeverTwiLight on Cremello Actually there is cheesecloth on Horse Isle, if you are doing Monsier Renard's cheese quest. Talk to Miguela Pommel on Witherton in the tack shop. ~LeadMareGal from Cremello~ P.S. Best of luck :) Annnd you need it for Shaylene's quest. xD -KeepTheChange, dun

Do you like cheese-its?

cheese-itz are an awful food for your bladder because they make it swell up and it blows up inside your body. so dont eat cheese-itz, you will not be able to poop and pee. from poop eat veggies! not cheese-its only unless you dont like to poop bye

Can cheese make you defecate?

It depends on the kind of cheese. Usually, 5 or so good handfulls of cheese can make you constipated. This is adult sized handfulls, not child sized.

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i like cheese and nuggest so why dont they make cheese nuggest i dont no just eat chucky oh no chusdjflk;asdjfalsk;djf;lkasdjf;lasdkjflkjasl;jkfasdojk;cvxknjlx

Do it like it?

cheese-itz are an awful food for your bladder because they make it swell up and it blows up inside your body. so dont eat cheese-itz, you will not be able to poop and pee. from poop eat veggies! not cheese-its only unless you dont like to poop bye