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Well, when it comes to Potato Launchers (aka: Potato Guns, Potato Cannon, etc...), the diameter, or caliber of the spud is not critical, for the following reason.

Most Potato Launchers use the tube, or barrel, to cut the potato to the proper size. This is done by getting a potato that is TOO LARGE to fit the barrel. Then, the barrel is forced down on the potato, or vice versa. This cuts off the excess potato--leaving a spud-plug of the proper diameter--whatever it may be.

Regardless of whether one chooses a 1 inch, 1.25 inch, 1.5 inch, 2 inch or larger launch tube, the potato is "sized" appropriately.

A stick is then used as a ram rod to push the potato-plug further down the tube towards the breech.

This is ONE reason why people use a potato: its soft enough to custom-fit any tube, and firm enough not to fall apart.

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Q: What caliber is a potato?
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What is a potato blight?

potato blight are potato mold,potato disease,potato mildew and potato murrain.

What caused an Irish exodus and the US during the 19th century?

The potato famine.The potato famine.The potato famine.The potato famine.The potato famine.The potato famine.The potato famine.The potato famine.The potato famine.The potato famine.The potato famine.

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What is the possessive noun for potato?

The possessive of 'potato' is potato's. "I peeled the potato's skin off".

What is the opposite of a sour potato?

A sweet potato

How many types of connectives are there?

There are potato types of potato tissue. They are as followed: potato Tissue, potato Tissue, potato, potato Connective Tissue, Loose potatoTissue, Reticular potato Tissue, and potato.

What has more mass a potato or potato chip?

Since you can make many potato chips out of one potato, obviously a whole potato has more mass than one potato chip.

Why was the potato considered alive and the potato chip as not?

potato can grow while potato chips can not grow therefore potato is considered to be alive and potato chip is not.

Is Potato Flour the same as Potato Starch?

No, potato flour and potato starch are not the same. Potato flour is made from the whole potato, whereas potato starch is extracted from the potato. Potato starch is a white, tasteless powder used as a thickener, while potato flour has a stronger potato flavor and is used in baking for its flavor and texture.

Do you add an e at the end of potato?

No, potato singular is potato and potato plural is potatoes.

What is 2 plus potato?

2+potato = 2+potato - unless if there is a value for "potato".