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There is no way to tell you what breed a chicken is, just from its color. Body type, comb type, egg color laid, and many other factors must be listed before one can make an assumption of the breed.

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Q: What breed is a white cockerel?
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What would you do if your neighbor had a cockerel?

Get some young hens then borrow the cockerel, when it's mature enough, to breed to my hens.

What is a sentence using the word cockerel?

I saw a cockerel in the farm and the cockerel cocked really loud until the cockerel was out of breath. oh no..... The cockerel could not breath so I called the vet and the cockerel was survived.

What is faminine of cockerel?

Feminine for cockerel is hen.

What is the breed of a white cat?

A white cat can be of any breed. It is simply a white cat.

What is a cockerel poultry?

A male chicken is called a rooster or a cockerel.

When was The Golden Cockerel created?

The Golden Cockerel was created in 1914.

Is cockerel a masculine word?

How do you eat cockerel? There really is not much difference between a cockerel and a hen when used for cooking. The male.

How do you breed a rooster with a hen?

Put them together. They will work it out between themselves. There may be some chasing and fighting at first. Old hens will not allow a cockerel to mount.

What do they call a baby rooster?

A baby rooster is called a cockerel.

What is the Latin word for cockerel?

The Latin word for cockerel is "pullus."

What is Helios' sacred animal?

Helios has many sacred animals including the white horse, cockerel (male chicken) and wolf.

When did Golden Cockerel Press end?

Golden Cockerel Press ended in 1961.