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fried potatoes

my mom has a recipe that you could use im not quite sure what it is :(


-paris :D

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Q: What breakfast could you make out of a starchy food?
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Why love a person who makes breakfast for you?

Because food is nice. Food=Love Because they wake up and obviously love you enough to make breakfast for your lazy butt.

Are there any breakfast ideas for kids?

There are many breakfast ideas for kids. One can find great breakfast recipes that are easy to make from sites like all taste, all food, food network and many more.

How to make breakfast quick?

To make a quick breakfast, you could have a bowl of cereal with fresh fruit and toast. For an even quicker breakfast, you could have a bagel with a banana and a glass of orange juice. If you want eggs, making them scrambled would save time.

Does silverfish make its own food?

No, silverfish do not make their own food. They are scavengers that feed on starchy materials like book bindings, paper, and fabrics. They do not produce their own food through photosynthesis or any other means.

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Bread or potatoes which choice?

Starchy foods such as potatoes, bread, cereals, rice and pasta should make up about a third of the food you eat.

What sort of food do you need to make a balanced breakfast?

Your breakfast should include a protein source, a carbohydrate source, a fruit source, and a fluid.

What can you make for breakfast?

Pancakes,Eggs,Bacon,Toast and a Fruit bowl (keep in mind that these are just things you could have for breakfast not all of it)

I'm looking for a recipe for breakfast sausage that I could make.?

There a numerous sites containing a breakfast sausage recipe, a few of my favorites are and You could even try a Easy Breakfast Sausage burger which can be found on!

Why does eating breakfast AND not eating breakfast make me feel sick but I never actually am physically sick?

if you eat breakfast on random days and then not on those days inbetween, then it's your metabolism, (how fast your body uses food).

What is an easy breakfast that you could make as part of a test?

Cold cereal or Pop-Tarts.

Unlike honey bun name a breakfast food that doesn't make a good pet name?