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Q: What bread flour has the highest gluten content?
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What types of flour are the most glutenous?

Bread flour, sometimes called "Strong flour" has a higher gluten content than regular cake flour. Out of all bread flours, "Canadian" bread flour usually has the highest gluten content. I think that pasta flour (sometimes called "00 flour") may have a slightly higher gluten content than some bread flours, but using pasta flour doesn't result in a better quality of bread.

What type of flour has a highest gluten content and gives a strong structure?

Strong white bread flour and strong wholoemeal flour contains the most gluten because it reacts with the yeast and forms the bread dough

What does flour do to a pizza base?

The gluten in the flour reacts with the yeast, allowing it to rise. All-purpose flour has a relatively low-gluten content, and is used for cookies and pizza doughs that are not required to rise. Bread flour has a high-gluten content which allows bread to rise quite a bit more.

What is Strong flour?

This is sometimes called "bread flour". It is flour with a higher gluten content. Gluten is essential for the structure of bread; stretching to trap air bubbles as the yeast ferments. Plain flour is sometimes used in breadmaking when a specific gluten content needs to be achieved, but it is rarely used without the addition of strong flour.

Can you replace bread flour with superfine flour to make bread?

Superfine flour should not be used in place of bread flour. Bread flour is made from "hard" wheat that has been bred to have the high gluten content that makes proper bread.

Why it is necessary to use at lease some wheat flour when making bread?

it is necessary to have sufficient wheat flour to produce the framework for the bread because wheat flour is the only flour with high gluten content. (edit) It is possible to make bread entirely gluten-free, but you need a binding agent to replace the gluten, otherwise your bread will have a strange texture.

Why is flour used in bread?

Bread flour has a higher gluten content than all-purpose (or cake) flour. Gluten is what creates structure in wheat flour and while all wheat flours contain gluten, the higher percentage of gluten in bread flour will create a more rigid structure, lending to a chewier, tougher crumb and texture.

Which flour has the highest protein content?

Gluten content correlates to the protein content in flour. Wheat flour has 13 grams of protein per cup, while whole wheat flour has 16.

Name two products in which you would use strong flour?

Strong flour refers to the flour's gluten content. Strong flour has a higher gluten level and weak flour has a lower gluten level. An item made with a strong flour will hold its shape quite well after baking, so breads and rolls are generally made with strong flour. Cakes and muffins are generally made with weak flour.

What is hard flour?

Wheat flour is rated as hard or soft depending on the gluten content. If your recipe calls for hard flour, you should use what is called "bread flour". It is much higher in gluten than all-purpose flour.

What is the name of the protein that helps bread dough to be stretchy and elastic?

The main protein in flour is gluten. This forms when moisture is added to flour. High grade/strength flours have a higher level of gluten content and are therefore better for bread making. Gluten flour is also available and can be added to strengthen ordinary flours. A usual quantity is one teaspoon per cup of flour.

When used as a thickening agent is bread flour the same as all purpose flour?

Yes, bread flour in many cases has a slightly higher gluten content, but that does not effect the taste or its usability as a thickening agent.