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I assume you mean, in the bottle, in which case any filtered american lager (MGD, Coors, Budweiser, etc.) would be the answer with zero (or at least effectively zero).

If you're asking about which beer is fermented with the least amount of yeast, that would be impossible to say. Pitch rates vary and are difficult to quantify per beer.

Any beer that is "bottle conditioned" will have a little yeast in the bottom, this is harmless, and contains a decent amount of B vitamins.

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15y ago

Many drinks have yeast,

But i know that ale does.

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Q: What beer has the most yeast?
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Can you use regular yeast to make beer?

Yes, regular yeast can be used to make beer, but most commonly, brewers use specific strains of yeast called brewer's yeast that are better suited for brewing beer. These strains of yeast contribute unique flavors and characteristics to the beer that regular yeast may not produce.

What is the fungi called that you get in beer?

I believe you are referring to the yeast in beer. It is a small micro-organizm that is critical to the beer making process. The yeast converts sugars to alcohol. In most commercially produced beer it has been filtered out.

How much yeast is contained in 12 ounces of beer?

The amount of yeast in beer varies but generally there is very little yeast left in the final product. The yeast is responsible for fermentation, converting sugars into alcohol and carbon dioxide during the brewing process. By the time the beer is packaged and ready for consumption, most of the yeast has been removed or settles out of the liquid.

How is yeast used in beer?

yeast is used to activate the flavor in beer

What foods do you find yeast in?

Bread and beer may be the most common.

Can you brew beer with bakers yeast?

Since it's yeast, it would produce beer but not nearly at the quality a specific beer brewing yeast would. Beer brewing should use specific strains of yeast to properly activate fermentation that turns the sugars of the beer into alcohol. Different types of beer require different types of yeast in the recipe to turn out properly. Baker's yeast is specifically intended for baking, while Brewers yeast is what you would want to use for brewing beer. If you use bakers yeast for beer brewing, your recipe will not turn out properly and your batch of beer will be probably not taste very good.

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What does yeast do in ginger beer?

because its the fermentation of the yeast that gives the beer alcohol.

Can you substitute brewers yeast for bakers yeast when making beer?

Yeast is one of the primary sources of the flavoring of a beer. You can use pretty much any sort of yeast when making alcoholic beverages. But it will make a difference in the flavor of the beer.

Does beer contain ethanol alcohol?

Beer does contain ethyl alcohol (ethanol). Beer is made from water, barley, hops, and yeast. The water and barley are mashed to produce sugars that the yeast metabolizes to produce ethanol. Beer yeast can produce alcohol levels from 2.5-18% alcohol by volume.

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What is the job of yeast in beer brewing?

The yeast eats the fermentable sugars in the that are in the wort, the unfermented beer. When the yeast eats the sugars, it produces two things, alcohol and CO2. When this happens you have the carbonation that is in beer, along with the alcohol. Yeast + Glucose = Alcohol (Ethanol) + CO2