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the most common illness caused from eating raw, undercooked, or "rare" meat is E COLI. :):):):):)

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E-coli 0157-H7

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E. Coli

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Q: What bacteria is linked to ground beef?
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Will ground beef have an odor if spoiled?

Generally, yes, but some very dangerous bacteria can be in spoiled beef and not have an odor.

Why does ground beef sometimes smell sweet?

Ground beef can sometimes smell sweet due to the presence of bacteria that produce a compound called indole, which has a sweet odor.

Why would ground beef have a vineger smell?

Because acid-forming bacteria are growing. It is spoiling.

How do you say ground beef ground?

ground beef ground

How can I quickly thaw ground beef?

The quickest way to thaw ground beef is to use a microwave on the defrost setting or place the sealed package in a bowl of cold water, changing the water every 30 minutes. Avoid thawing ground beef at room temperature to prevent bacteria growth.

How can I safely and effectively defrost ground beef?

To safely and effectively defrost ground beef, place it in the refrigerator overnight or use the defrost setting on the microwave. Avoid defrosting at room temperature to prevent bacteria growth.

How can I safely thaw ground beef?

To safely thaw ground beef, you can place it in the refrigerator, use cold water, or use the microwave on a defrost setting. Avoid thawing at room temperature to prevent bacteria growth.

How to thaw out ground beef effectively and safely?

To thaw ground beef safely and effectively, place it in the refrigerator overnight or use the defrost setting on the microwave. Avoid thawing at room temperature to prevent bacteria growth.

How do you say ground beef in german?

ground beef = Rinderhackfleisch ground beef = Hackfleisch

Why should a casserole with ground beef be cooked to 150?

The reason why is to kill the bacteria & prevent salmonella

Is it safe to consume ground beef that is a little pink in color?

Consuming ground beef that is slightly pink in color is generally safe as long as it has been cooked to an internal temperature of 160F to kill any harmful bacteria.

Why do beef sausages and minced beef have to be cooked more than beef steak?

As the meat is ground up, it is more subject to bacteria as it is pushed through the grinder. With the bacteria in the meat, if the hamburger is not cooked thoroughly a person could get sick from the harmful bacteria that enter the human's digestive tract. However beef steak is not ground up, it is simply cut from the carcass and wrapped, which implies that a steak should be cooked well on the outside, but in the inside it is perfectly fine if it is cooked rare to medium rare.