(La) pita and (le) pain pita are French equivalents of the Greek-English word "pita." The respective pronunciations of the feminine singular definite article and noun and of the masculine singular definite article and noun with a noun used adjectivally -- which translate literally as "(the) pita" and "(the) bread pita" -- will be "(la) PEA-ta" and "(luh) peh PEA-ta" in French.
trade; established settlements by the sea
They have two - Tariana Turia and Pita Sharples.
Israel Pita's birth name is Israel Pita Gutirrez.
pain pita
Pita Paraone was born in 1945.
Pita skate was created in 1995.
The Pita Pit was created in 1995.
The population of Pita Prefecture is 266,000.
Pita Baleitoga was born in 1984.
The population of Extreme Pita is 2,000.