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Those coloring pages that take a long time are like spiral coloring pages and when you first print it out then you color it omg it looks sooo pretty and um you should print one type in on the Google cool coloring pages that are printable and the very first one is the one that has a couple of the pages but i hope you like them thanks

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Q: What are those coloring pages that take a long time to color?
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Where can Mandala coloring pages be bought?

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How long would it take a drop of food coloring to color a glass of still water with sugar in it?

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Does the color of a crayon affect how long it lasts?

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How long will it take a drop of food coloring to color a cold glass of still water?

If you want to get the answer, you should do the experiment instead of going on Google to find the answer!

What does demi- permanent mean?

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