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The apple is commercially the most important of the world's deciduous fruit trees, and is follwed by the pear. In the United States, however, the pear ranks third, after the apple and peach.

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Q: What are the two most cultivated fruit trees in the world?
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Is apple the most widely cultivated fruit in the world?

no banana

Which is the most widely cultivated fruit in the world?

I am lead to believe that it is the Mango

Do humans look after apple trees?

Yes, many people have apple trees. I have!!!Besides it's the most popular fruit in the world!

Do all palm trees bare fruit?

All palm trees bare fruit. The most common fruit is the coconut.

Do some goats climb trees to get fruit?

Most goats will climb trees to get to the foliage if they can reach the lower branches.

What is a tropical tree with long banana like fruit?

coconut,mango,pineapple,papaya,passion fruit,guava, dragon fruit, star fruit, oranges, banana, apples, limes, lemons and nectarines

Does most fruit grow on conifer trees?

yes,they do

Can any type of fruit tree grow in a forest?

No, they cannot. Trees have specific niches that they prefer to grow in. Most fruit trees are fairly short and don't reach high heights. Most forests have very tall trees in them, that would tend to overshadow them and cause the fruit trees to die out.

What citric tree has thorns?

Most fruit trees have thorns they must be planted from the fruit itself because the trees you purchase at a nursary are bred to not have thorns. the tree uses its thorns to protect its fruit from other animals. the only wild fruit tree that does not have thorns is the fig tree.

Why are most plants that grow fruits trees?

Fruit producing trees are successful in the dispersal of their seeds by several agencies.

How do a mango tree grow?

You plant the "stone" (seed) from the centre of the fruit and keep it watered. However most Mangos are cultivated form grafts.

Name the trees that there there are most of in the world?

pine trees