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Q: What are the two donut-shaped region above earth's surface that contain electrons and protons moving at very high speeds?
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What are two donut shaped regions above the Earth's surface that contain electrons and protons traveling at high speeds?

Van Allen Belts

What are two donut- shaped regions above the Earth's surface that contain electrons and protons traveling at high speeds?

Van Allen Belts

A shortage of electrons on a surface creates an electric what?

A shortage of electrons on a surface creates an electric charge imbalance or positive charge. This can lead to the attraction of electrons from neighboring surfaces to balance the charge and create an electric field.

True or false a surface that loses electrons becomes positively charged?

True. When a surface loses electrons, it becomes positively charged because it has more positively charged protons compared to the negatively charged electrons.

A shortage of electrons on surfaces create what kind of charge?

A shortage of electrons on the surface create positive charge. Because aall bodies in nature remains electrically neutral. But we know that electrons are negatively charged particles. It means if there is deficiency of electrons at any surface there would be positive charge. Which means electrons are less than protons which are positively charged particles and hence causes positive charge on surface.

What can be found in an atom's nucleus?

The nucleus can be found in the center of an atom. The electrons can be found in the 'surface' if an atom is considered to be a sphere.

What happens when you are within a few miles of the surface of the Sun?

It is so hot (6000K) that you will be turned into plasma (the atoms of your body will disassociate into electrons and the nuclei (protons and neurons)You go *poof* into ash.

Why can insulators have a static charges?

Insulators can hold static charges because they do not conduct electricity easily. This allows them to trap excess electrons or protons, creating an imbalance of charge on their surface. The lack of free-moving electrons in insulators prevents the charge from quickly dissipating.

What is the emission of electrons from a metals surface?

the external energy given to electrons,thier kinetic energy increases.thus electrons move from metal surface

Is static electricity made up of electrons that are not moving?

Static electricity is created when excess electrons accumulate on an object's surface, leading to an imbalance of positive and negative charges. Though the individual electrons may not be moving within the object, they can still create an electric field and generate electrical energy.

Why does static charge only build up on the surfaces of materials?

Static charge builds up on the surfaces of materials because the electrons move more easily in materials compared to the protons. When two materials come into contact, electrons can transfer from one material to the other, leading to an imbalance of charges on the surface of the materials. This imbalance creates a static charge on the surface.

What is a electronic scan?

The scanning electron microscope (SEM) is a type of electron microscope that images the sample surface by scanning it with a high-energy beam of electrons in a raster scan pattern. The electrons interact with the atoms that make up the sample producing signals that contain information about the sample's surface topography, composition and other properties.