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  • Carbohydrates

    These are made up of sugars and starch and are the most common source of energy used by your body. Foods high in carbohydrates include bread, pasta, cereals, beans, potatoes and rice.

  • Proteins

    These are made up of amino acids and are used to provide many functions in the body including being the basic buidling materials of skin, organs, etc.; as enzymes to help chemical reactions in cells; and as a source of energy. Foods that are a good source of protein include meat, fish, poultry, dairy products, eggs and soya.

  • Fats

    These provide energy, are needed to keep cell membranes functioning properly, are a source of essential fatty acids (which your body cannot make on it's own), help you to absorb vitamins and make food taste good. Foods which are sources of fats include butter, meat, vegetable oils, nuts and oily fish.

  • Vitamins

    These are required in tiny amounts for essental metabolic reactions, growth and development. Deficiencies in vitamins can lead to deficiency diseases. For example, vitamin C is a highly effective antioxidant, but a lack of vitamin C can lead to the disease scurvy. Citrus fruits are a good source of vitamin C.

  • Minerals

    Trace (tiny) amounts of minerals like salt, copper and iron for example are essential for metabolism and have various uses in your body. For example, calcium is used to build bone and neutralise acidity.

  • Water

    Is the essential solvent in which all chemical reactions of life take place. 70% of your body is made of water and it's recommended that you drink enough water to prevent dehydration.

So it's actually Six.

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Q: What are the three basic nutrients in food?
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The three main nutrients in food are protien, carboyhdrates and fat...

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breaks down food into basic nutrients and packages unused digestive wastes for disposal

What do organs of the digestive system do?

breaks down food into basic nutrients and packages unused digestive wastes for disposal

What are three basic nutrients needed by plants?

Plants need sunlight, water and soil nutrients to grow. Some plants can grow in hydroponic conditions so they get their nutrients in the water and grow without the soil.

6 basic food nutrients?

There are six major nutrients that the body requires for optimal health. These nutrients are water, vitamins, minerals, fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.