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Well, you take the peanuts, throw them in a machine called starmt, which shoots liquid charcoal at the peanuts. You then take a little peanut grinder which grinds up the peanuts. You then place them into the starmt again. Next, you place them into a WERTcleaner, which cleans off the charcoal. The last step is you throw them into a special blender called a Peanut-o, which turns them into peanut butter.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Get some peanut butter and add sugar (depends on how sweet you like it) and also add a pinch of salt. All the other stuff in there are additives and other stuff, and its better to leave them out anyways.

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14y ago

first they mix peanuts and milk with some egg and extract. They mix it all together then they blend it.

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becky wang

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2y ago

Use a peanut butter machine

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Q: What are the steps to making store bought peanut butter?
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What are the steps to make peanut butter?


Who is the man who made peanut butter?

There is no "king" of peanut butter, but there is a peanut butter company called King Nut. Furthermore, peanuts are the official crop of the state of Georgia and 50% of Georgia's peanut crop is used for peanut butter.

What are the techniques of makin peanut butter?

Oh, haha! I believe "making" is the correct term! Anyways, you just crush up __ cups of peanuts (depends on how much you want) and melt some butter, just enough to give it a little greasy texture. Next is the honey! Honey is on MAIN ingredient to homemade peanut butter! Just a few tablespoons to make it sweet! If you want to make it, lets say, chocolate peanut butter, add a little chocolate. No measurements needed, just a keen eye! Or you could taste test it every few steps! Best of luck to you... AND you Peanut Butter!

If you were a robot what are the steps to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?

open fridge, take bread, get peanut butter, get jelly, put stuff on counter, open peanut butter, take out bread, go to drawer, take out a butter knife, go back 2 counter, put knife in peanut butter, spread peanut butter on one side of bread, put knife in jelly, spread jelly on same side of bread, take an other peice of bread and put it on top of first peice of bread. u r done. :)

Who was the inventor of peanut butter?

George Washington Carver did not invent peanut butter. He may have improved upon the formula, but peanut butter has been around for many years. See the Related links below for more information.The Aztecs are the earliest people that mashed peanuts into a paste.Peanuts are native to the tropics of the Americas, and were mashed to become a pasty substance by the Aztec Native Americans hundreds of years ago.A number of peanut paste products have been used over the centuries, and the distinction between peanut paste and peanut butter is not always clearcut in ordinary use.Evidence of peanut butter as it is known today comes from U.S. Patent 306,727, issued in 1884 to Marcellus Gilmore Edson of Montreal, Quebec, Canada, for the finished product of the process of milling roasted peanuts between heated surfaces until the peanuts entered "a fluid or semi-fluid state." As the peanut product cooled, it set into what Edson explained as being "a consistency like that of butter, lard, or ointment." Edson's patent is based on the preparation of a peanut paste as an intermediate to the production of peanut candies. While Edson's patent does not describe the modern confection we know as peanut butter, it does show the initial steps necessary for the production of peanut butter.J.H. Kellogg, of breakfast cereal fame, secured U.S. Patent 580,787 in 1897 for his "Process of Preparing Nutmeal," which produced a "pasty adhesive substance" that Kellogg called "nut-butter."Dr. Ambrose Straub, a physician in St. Louis, Missouri pursued a method for providing toothless elderly with protein in the 1890s. His peanut-butter-making machine was patented in 1903.A popular myth is that George Washington Carver (1864-1943) invented peanut butter. While he is credited with inventing over 300 uses for peanuts, peanut butter was not one of them, as it had already been invented before he commenced research on the legumes around 1915. Nonetheless, this myth is still taught in many American school systems.Why most people would say that George Washington Carver invented peanut butter and while he indeed made many ways to use the peanut and improved on peanut butter by roasting the nuts, he did not invent peanut butter. John H Kellogg who was a medical Doctor in Battle Creek , Michigan who ran a sanatorium using holistic medicine methods and with a particular focus on nutrition ,enema and exercise is the inventor of what we call peanut butter. And yes he also invented cornflakes.

Why is Ann insane?

Peanuts are native to the tropics of the Americas, and were mashed to become a pasty substance by the Aztec Native Americans hundreds of years ago. Evidence of peanut butter as it is known today comes from US patent #306727, issued in 1884 to Marcellus Gilmore Edson of Montreal, Quebec, Canada, for the finished product of the process of milling roasted peanuts between heated surfaces until the peanuts became into "a fluid or semi-fluid state." As the peanut product cooled, it set into what Edson explained as being "a consistency like that of butter, lard, or ointment." Edson's patent is based on the preparation of a peanut paste as an intermediate to the production of peanut candies. While Edson's patent does not describe the modern confection we know as peanut butter, it does show the initial steps necessary for the production of peanut butter.J.H. Kellogg, of breakfast cereal fame, secured US patent #580787 in 1897 for his "Process of Preparing Nutmeal," which produced a "pasty adhesive substance" that Kellogg called "nut-butter." Dr. Ambrose Straub, a physician in St. Louis, Missouri pursued a method for providing toothless elderly with protein in the 1890s. His peanut butter making machine was patented in 1903. Although some peanut butter marketed as "natural" contains only peanuts and salt, most consumer-brand peanut butter today, even if labeled "natural", contains other ingredients. These include hydrogenated vegetable oil to stabilize it and prevent oil separation, salt to prevent spoilage, and dextrose or other sweeteners to enhance flavor. Sometimes palm oil is used instead of hydrogenated oils to prevent oil separation. Peanut butter is also sold mixed with other pastes such as chocolate, jelly and the like. Peanut butter may be added to desserts such as cakes and biscuits. Peanut butter flavored chocolate bars is a common combination. January 24 is National Peanut Butter Day in the United States.

How to make peanut butter and jelly finger sandwiches?

Take two slices of your favorite bread. Lay them out on the cutting board or counter. Find your favorite peanut butter and jelly (grape is my favorite) then open up the jars. Find a dinner knife, not a sharp one, you don't need a sharp knife for this job. Use butter or margarine to "butter" both slices of bread. (only the side facing up) Put the peanut butter on the right side piece of bread about 1/4 inch thick. (do not put peanut butter on the left hand slice, it will change the taste and mouth feel, you will have to start all over) Put your jelly on the left hand slice of bread, about 1/4 inch thick. Place your hand under the left hand side slice of bread, the one with the jelly! Lift the slice and flip it jelly side down on top of the right hand side slice of bread (the one with the peanut butter) Press down lightly to seal and if you want to be fancy, cut it in half and place both halves on a small plate. Pour a large glass of cold milk, take both and go watch cartoons, let mom and dad sleep in for a change.

Write five sentences of how to make a peanut butter jelly sandwich?

This is obviously a homework assignment. But follow this guide and make sentences that include each of the steps. Ideally, use the present tense, or the imperative form as shown here. 1. Select bread, peanut butter, and jelly to be used and place on a table. 2. Take out 2 pieces of bread and put them on a plate. 3. Spread jelly on one slice of the bread (and be generous). 4. Spread peanut butter on the other slice of bread 5. Carefully invert the peanut butter slice and place face-down on the jelly slice. (6) Slice any way you like, and then enjoy your sandwich.

Words containing p or b?

peanut butter bell peas banana spell about happy steps belly AND THOUSANDS MORE

Where can I find more information on control rodent ?

For rodent control, you can visit this website: For rodent control, you want to clean the area that is affective, set up traps with peanut butter or cheese so the rodent will eat it. Once the rodent eats the poison cheese or peanut butter it will die. Now that the steps are completed, continue to keep an eye out and monitor all the surrounding areas.

How do you make a pb and j sandwich?

Well, I don't know how to make a pb and j "sandich", I'll walk you through the steps for a pb and j "sandwich".Step 1: Acquire a container of peanut butter ( preferably with peanut butter in it), and a jar of Jelly (any kind, I'd suggest raspberry. You will also need two slices of bread per person. and last but not least, a knife for the peanut butter, and/or a spoon for the jelly.Step 2: Lay out two pieces of bread on a plate and scoop out a knife full of PB. Spread out the PB onto a piece of bread. The use the spoon to do the same with the jelly on the other slice of bread.Step 3: *CAUTION* DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS NEXT STEP WITHOUT THE HELP OF AN ADULT. Then carefully close the two slices of bread together with the ingredients facing inside.Step 4: Eat. Preferably with a glass of milk.

What are some techniques on making peanut butter and jelly samdwiches?

Tell a woman to make it for you- it's too much work. But if you are a woman, then take two slices of bread out from the bag and place them flat on a clean plate or cutting board. Next, take out a knife and place it on the side, it will be used for later. Now you must remove peanut butter from your cupboard and jelly from your refrigerator. Be sure to remove both lids before removing the contents. First you should take the peanut butter out of the jar (this way the jelly doesn't get in the peanut butter jar and get moldy) with the knife and spread it on one lone piece of bread. Be sure to cover all of the slice, especially the edges. Next, remove the jelly from the jar with the same knife, but be careful, as jelly's viscosity is considerably less, and it is more likely to fall off of the knife. It may take more than one trip from the jar to the sandwich, but make sure the clean, or naked, piece of bread remaining is coated with a light facade of jelly. Once this task is completed, put the jelly side of the sandwich on top of the peanut butter side, and be sure to have the peanut butter and jelly actually touch in the middle, you don't want an inside out sandwich. Additional steps may include cutting the sandwich diagonally into triangles. This is preferred over cutting it into rectangles because triangles have a wider frontal area to bite into. In addition, it is also sometimes preferred that the crust be cut off of the bread to ensure the maximum amount of deliciosity can be extracted from the sandwich. After these steps, the sandwich is completed and is ready to be delivered to your man.