orange juice
Oranges and Orange Juice
Agent Orange rock!!! They are the best 'Skate Punk' band ever according to many sources!
The Namib is traversed by the Orange and Fish Rivers
Different sources offer different explanations for making a lamp out of an orange but the best steps can be seen on the YouTube video tutorial; Make a Lamp from an Orange in 1 Minute.
The Clockwork Orange theme was written by Wendy Carlos. One can download the Clockwork Orange theme from popular on the web sources such as iTunes and Amazon MP3.
Orange juice is one of the best sources of instant energy. It not only gives you energy but also acts as an antioxidant
Yes, some butterfly species are attracted to the color orange because it resembles flowers that they feed on. Orange flowers often contain nectar, which also attracts butterflies looking for food sources.
There are 10. Sometimes. I've seen and counted 12 carpels in an orange and there are sources on the net that claim that oranges have "about 12 carpels." Now I wonder: how "about" is that? Is it always even?
You are probably thinking of a Jamaican Tangelo, or Ugli Fruit. Some sources say that an orange is included in the cross hybridization.
orenji -Sorry, but not so much. I think there's a possiblity that there are different words for the fruit and the color, but I only know the one for the color. All sources that I've seen read the color orange as being daidai (だいだい).
The noun health is an abstract noun, a word for a condition or state of being.The nouns 'apples', 'orange', and 'vegetable' are concrete nouns, words for physical things. There are no abstract forms of these specific nouns.The nouns 'apples', 'orange', and 'vegetable' are words for sources of nutrition, an abstract noun.