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Royal Gramma Basslet (Gramma loreto)

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Q: What are the purple and yellow fish called?
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What is the name of the purple fish on HorseIsle?

Yellow fish is - Adolphus, Green fish is - Gustavus, and Purple fish is - Mercurius

What are rare Siamese fighting fish colors?

yellow, purple, black, orange

Who are finding Nemos tank gang?

The shrimp is Jacques, the yellow fish is Bubbles, the blue fish is Deb (and her reflection is Flo,) the starfish is Peach, the puffer fish is Bloat, the purple and yellow fish is Gurgle, and the fish with scares is Gill.

Is it possible for a goldfish with yellow eyes and a goldfish with purple eyes to produce only a purple eyed offspring?

nope the purple eyed gold fish has been getting it on behind the yellow eyed gold fishes back

What plus yellow equals blue?

Blue isn't used to make orange. It is yellow and red.

What is the airline called with a purple and yellow croun on the tail?


What colour is a purple fish?

Purple. A purple fish has to be purple!

What kind of fish is the yellowtail?

The fish with the yellow tail is called an angel fish.

What is a purple fish?

purple fish

What are the parts of St Peters Basilica called?

Yellow Green To The Purple

What is the yellow fish in the movie finding nemo name?

The yellow fish who claims he is "obnoxious" is Tad. The fish that is paranoid and is a purple/yellow gradient is never named in the movie, but he is mentioned as Gurgle in the credits. The one in the tank that likes bubbles is Bubbles.

What is purple algae in a saltwater fish tank?

Purple algae in a saltwater fish tank is likely coralline algae, a type of beneficial algae that adds color and beauty to the aquarium. Coralline algae are important for maintaining a healthy ecosystem as they compete with other nuisance algae for space and nutrients, ultimately helping to keep the tank clean. It is common for coralline algae to grow on hard surfaces like rocks, glass, and substrate in saltwater aquariums.