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at LEAST a 10 gallon glass tank with sand or eco earth, or a mix, as substrate. The substrate needs to be at least twice the height of your crab and it's shell - to allow for molting. Substrate should also be a little damp - but not wet - more like sand-castle consistency so the crabs can dig tunnels and not have them cave in on them.The sand should NOT be calci sand, the colored sand most pet stores carry. It is not meant to become wet, and when it does, it dries rock hard. There are Horror stories of hermit crabs becoming trapped under the sand, or the sand becoming lodged in their shells and drying and trapping the crab in the shell so it cannot change. Aragonite sand by Carib-sea, sugar grain or select grain size is an ideal sand for hermit crabs. Quickrete play sand can also be used, but you are taking a chance on getting sand with impurities that can be deadly to your crab.

Other needs - A mesh (covered with saran wrap or cardboard covered in saran wrap) or plexiglass or glass lid to keep humidity in. a temperature gauge and humidity gauge. The temperature in your crabitat needs to be between 72-80F, with a warm and cool end. The relative humidity needs to be kept between 65-80% (70-75% is ideal) so the crabs can breathe through their gills. 2 water dishes (one fresh dechlorinated, one ocean dechlorinated water) deep enough for the crabs to bathe in if necessary - with a sponge in each to provide humidity and so the small crabs don't drown. one clam shell or other food dish that has low sides that the crabs can easily climb over. Hiding places for each crab are essential to make them feel safe. You can use something as simple as a small terracotta pot half buried in the sand. toys and climbing surfaces are another favorite of hermit crabs - they LOVE to climb! silk plants, big rocks, hemp nets, ..... just make sure there is NO metal ANYWHERE in the tank for them to come in contact with - including the water - metals are harmful to hermit crabs. Extra shells that are slightly larger and slightly smaller than the crab's current shell. use a ruler and measure the OPENING of the shell to determine the size. also make sure the available shells are deep enough for your hermit crab to wrap his abdomen around the center spiral comfortably or he will boycott the shells. Calcium sources are also vital to molting and general health. you can use a combination of cuttlebone (usually for birds), crushed coral, boiled and washed eggshells, and crustaceans like shrimp. a small clamshell with calcium supplements can be kept in a tank for weeks as long as it does not get too wet or dirty. please go to for more information on hermit crab care. Also,

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15y ago
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15y ago

it has to be humid.......... and 72 - 80 dagrees. also you must soak/bath them in purified water at least once or twice a week. and they like places to climb on to get closer to the light. ohhh... and get lots of shells. kepp salt water and fresh water in the tank. and the sand or what ever you will use must be like 4-6 inches deep and moist enough to hold its shape when you dig a hole. get lots of different types of foods from the nearest pet store, and get a food dish to put the food in and change it ever other day otherwise mildew will form if you dont

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13y ago

Caribbean, humidity 70-80 temp 70-80. distilled water, sea salt water, fruit, veggies, sand and dirt, tree bark for them to climb on ect. . .

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13y ago
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15y ago

hermit crabs need a tropical environment to live, sicne they have gills (they still breath air, but it has to be wet air). this is a good site for crab care

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13y ago

They need the right humidity and temp, climbing toys, hiding places, space, other hermies, food dish, water dish (distilled or spring), salt water dish (sea salt, distilled or spring) ect.

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13y ago

A salt water bowl with sea salt and distilled or spring water, bowl of water (distilled or spring) climbing toys, food bowl, extra shells, right humidity and temp ect.

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13y ago

they live in a tropical enviornment, so the temp is between 70 and 80 F. And humidity is also between 70 and 80 percent.

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13y ago

Glass or acrylic tank with a proper lid to prevent humidity escaping. You need a ten gallon tank minimum for 2-3 small crabs. Any more than that, and you'll need a larger tank.

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Is a pet store a good place to get a hermit crab?

Yes it is a perfect place to get a hermit crab especially petsmart :) CHEAP for crabs Petsmart is where I got mine.

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How did the hermit crab gets its name?

It's term 'hermit' is not because it doesn't like other hermit crabs. The hermit crab actually loves being with other hermits. It is called hermit crab because it is only one hermit crab in the shell. It's term 'hermit' is not because it doesn't like other hermit crabs. The hermit crab actually loves being with other hermits. It is called hermit crab because it is only one hermit crab in the shell.

How do you take care of a Jamaican hermit crab?

If it is a hermit crab, then it is like any other hermit crab, so just take care of it as you would to a regular hermit crab :)

What do hermit crabs stay in?

Hermit crabs love a large area with lots of space to play in and plenty to climb on an old aquariam tank is perfect for hermit crab/s

What are the families of the hermit crab?

hermit crab family always helps

How small can a hermit crab get?

a hermit crab can be from 1cm - 17.5cm in length!

What is the opposite of hermit crab?

The opposite of a hermit crab is a social butterfly.

Which abiotic features affect a hermit crab?

Humidity, temperature, substrate, shell conditions, etc.

Is the hermit crab's shell fragile?

It depends who the Hermit Crab borrowed its shell from.