All organisms are made of cells. An onion is and organism, hence all parts of an onion are made of cells.
because of you!
Given a good microscope I can identify all parts of an onion cell.
the chloroplast
cell wall
kwento mo sa pagong
The onion is completely edible. The skin, though papery and edible is usually removed as is the small root at the bottom of the bulb. these two parts are less palatable and usually discarded. The bulb and leaves (green onion) are used in a large variety of ways.
Both the onion and cheek cells have a cell membrane, cytoplasm, and a nucleus in common. These parts are essential for the basic functioning of the cells and are observable under a microscope in both types of cells.
You can eat the green tops as well as the white bulbs of the spring onion plant. Both parts are commonly used in cooking for their mild onion flavor.
nucleus, cytoplasm and cell membrane, and cell wall
The onion cells are much more rectangle shaped, than the cheek cells and the nucleus in the onion cell is much more bigger and better seen in the microscope.
flufffy stuff go in the sky and goes in your mouth