Hershey Kisses are made in Hershey, Pennsylvania.
There are 318 Hershey's kisses in a 3.5 pound bag.
Hershey's Kisses chocolates were first introduced in 1907 by Milton Hershey Srinivas.P.M.
Hershey kisses were invented at Milton Hersheys house.
If there are 95 hershey kisses in 1 lb and 16 ounces in 1lb then there would be 5.94 hershey kisses in 1 ounce.
ten lbs of hershey kisses
It's just for decoration, like to make you feel like your in a world of hershey.
yumm i really want some hershey kisses right now =] and there are about 3421 in a 60 oz bag
They are in Hershey, Pennsylvania.
I think Hershey Chocolate Company. I've heard it be called "Hershey Kisses" a lot.
because he created the hershey bar,kisses,and the hershey school
Kisses as in hershey kisses