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by comparing the colours or the amount of precipitate

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the DNSA method use sugar estimation.

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Q: What are the methods of estimation of reducing sugar?
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what is fehling test?

It is a chemical reagent used to differentiate water-soluble carbohydrates and ketone functioning groups. Its also a test for reducing and non-reducing sugars.

Why folin Wu tubes are used for sugar estimation?

Folin-Wu tubes are used for sugar estimation because they provide a convenient and standardized method for measuring reducing sugars in a sample. The tubes contain reagents that react with reducing sugars to produce a color change, which can be quantified spectrophotometrically to determine the sugar concentration in the sample.

Is sucrose is reducing sugar?

No, it is not a reducing sugar.

Is maltose non reducing sugar?

maltose is a reducing sugar ..

Is beet root reducing sugar or non reducing sugar?

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What are the methods in estimation?

There are a few methods in estimation. Like framework, unknown parameters, empirical dist and substitution principle most of these methods can be used using substitution principles.

Is Cellobiose is reducing or non reducing sugar?

Cellobiose is a reducing sugar because it has a reducing aldehyde group present in its chemical structure. This aldehyde group can undergo oxidation reactions, making cellobiose a reducing sugar.

Methods for the estimation of Nacl?

For example concentration determination with a salinometer.

What is reduced sugar?

A reducing sugar that, in a solution has an aldehyde or a ketone group. This allows the sugar has an reducing agent.

Is splenda a sugar?

No Splenda is not a reducing sugar.

Which sugar is NOT a reducing sugar?

Sucrose is not a reducing sugar because it does not have a free aldehyde or ketone group that can participate in the reduction reaction.

Is it true that orange juice and lemon juice are reducing sugar?

yes it does. lemon juice has lots of sugar in it. did u no that lemons have more sugar in than strawberrys!