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There are several purposes for storing food. They depend on differing objectives. Storing food is done to have it on hand for immediate needs, to have it for near future needs, and for long-term or emergency needs. Food can be stored as received, prepared and then stored, or purchased in a long-term storage package.

Some examples:

Perishable foods, like milk, eggs, butter, fresh vegetables are often purchased as needed for the day or the week.

Non-perishable foods are sometimes purchased in bulk quantities for saving money, to take advantage of sales or coupons, or to assure the availability of desired brands in case of shortages.

Some foods are purchased in bulk, then frozen, canned, dehydrated, or freeze-dried for longer-term storage.

Some people, called "preppers", often prepare for future apocalyptic or natural disaster-type events by storing a year or more of food in case the "end-of-the-world" comes.

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14y ago

The food will go bad left out, and the food will stink up your house!

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13y ago

to prevent the spoilage,wastage and nutrient loss of the food,,,,.. :)

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