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Thompson's plum pudding model was that the raisin were negatively charged (electrons) and that the rest of the pudding positively charged.

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10y ago

The negatively charged particles are represented by the plums, which are surrounded by the pudding, or the larger part of the model which is positively charged

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What was JJ Thomsons 1904 model called?

JJ Thomson's 1904 model was called the "plum pudding model." This model described the atom as a sphere of positive charge with electrons embedded throughout, like plums in a pudding. It was later replaced by the more accurate Rutherford model.

What was Thomson's model of the atomic atom?

according to jj thomsons model of an atom,an atom consists of a positively charged sphere with electrons in it.however,it was later found that positively charged particles reside at the center of the atom called nucleus,and the electrons revolve around the nucleus.

What was JJ Thomsons model of the atom called?

JJ Thomson's model of the atom is called the "plum pudding model." It suggested that atoms were made up of positive and negative charges distributed throughout a neutral, positively-charged background.

What were J. J. thomsons ideas called?

J.J. Thomson's ideas were called the plum-pudding model. This model described how electrons were evenly distributed throughout the atom.

How did Rutherfords findings change Thomsons plum pudding model?

Rutherford supposed that the atom had a central positive nucleus surrounded by negative electrons.

How is Tho masons model different from Daltons?

Thomsons model (plum pudding model of negatively charged particles in a positive soup) differed from Daltons model. Dalton hypothesised that atoms were indivisible, the word atom comes from the Greek atomos cannot be cut)

Which item best represents thomsons mental image of an atom?

The plum pudding model best represents J.J. Thomson's mental image of an atom. In this model, electrons are embedded within a positively charged "pudding," similar to how seeds are embedded in a watermelon.

Did Ernest Rutherfords results fit with J.J Thomsons view of the atom?

Ernest Rutherford's results did not fit with J.J. Thomson's view of the atom. While Thomson proposed the "plum pudding" model with evenly distributed positive charge throughout the atom, Rutherford's gold foil experiment showed that the positive charge is concentrated in the nucleus at the center of the atom, with electrons orbiting around it.

What did J. J. Thomsons experiments provided evidence about an atom?

J. J. Thomson's experiments provided evidence for the existence of electrons as subatomic particles within the atom. This led to the plum pudding model of the atom, where electrons were embedded in a positively charged "pudding." These experiments laid the foundation for our understanding of atomic structure.

How did Rutherfords model of the atom different from thomsons?

The Rutherford model involve a positive nucleus separated from electrons.

What was Thompson's model of the atom called?

its called the plum pudding model

What was Thomson's model atom called?

The name was plum pudding.