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Q: What are the herbs or spices you can put in scones?
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What spices do you put on top of lasagna?

you can put mixed herbs on your lasagna.

What did people put in covered wagons?

Well they put in meat, fish, herbs, spices, family and some small animals

What are the herbs and spices?


Are spices herbs?

most are

What are the most common herbs or spices in Romania?

Here are common herbs and spices in RomaniaBasilcelery rootvanillacaraway seedsallspicebay leavestarragoncorianderclovesparsleyparsniplovagedillrosemarycinnamon

How many herbs and spices did Colonel Harland Sanders end up with in the end?

11 Herbs and spices according to the commercials

What has the author Walter Simonetti written?

Walter Simonetti has written: 'The Macdonald encyclopaedia of herbs & spices' -- subject(s): Herbs, Spices

What herbs and spices are suitable to use in soups?

There are lots of herbs and spices that are suitable, you have to pick the one you think goes right with your soup.

Why are spices and herbs added to soups?

There's no great mystery why people add spices and herbs to things. They taste good! It's as simple as that.

Is there a book on the benefits of herbs and spices?

Yes there is!

What types of food are in Argentina?

spices and herbs

How did ACID cigars get their name?

herbs and spices