Pickling - This method of preserving fish is usually done in making appetizer which is considered semi-preservation because its shelf life is short.
''a. Hot smoking ''- This is a slow type of broiling where fish are placed near the fire at smoke temperature. b. ''Cold smoking ''- The fish are placed away from the fire at a distance of almost two
meters with a smoke temperature ranging from 32°C to 43°C. Brine Salting - the fish are soaked in a saturated brine solution for a few hours prior to drying under the heat of the sun. Salt Drying -'' ''the method of drying fish where the fish are sprinkled and blended thoroughly with dry salt before drying under the heat of the sun.
Smoking, salting, canning/bottling, drying, freezing, pickling
Different species use different methods.
bla bla bla bla
by packed in air tight container. away from light. fiushed in nitrogen gas &packed them in container
H. Ritchie Chipman has written: 'Methods of handling fish' -- subject(s): Fishery products, Salted fish, Herring, Preservation
Food preservation involves preventing bacteria growth using methods that include freezing. Canning, pickling, dry salting, fermenting, and drying are other methods of preservation used for food items.
aciReaM ... :P
it is the method of keeping fish neat
The 2 methods of food preservation is refrigeration and canning
Bengt E. Gustafsson has written: 'Histological evaluation of different methods for preservation of arterial grafts' -- subject(s): Arterial grafts, Preservation 'Germ-free rearing of rats'
In fish preservation, to use everything clean and sterilized helps prevent contamination of the preserved result. This is a similar method used in every preservation process.
dry fish