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The main danger of eating sand is loss of healthy enamel that cannot be regained

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Q: What are the dangers of eating sand?
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Eating sand can greatly erode tooth enamel, causing decay, cavities, sensitivity, discoloration, and pain. This is because of the abrasiveness of the sand.

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some dangers of eating penut butter are 1. being allergic. 2.being diabetic 3. you can choke. (Its thick)

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Are you sure you know how to speak English?Does eating sand harm any organs?

My dairy cattle are eating the sand which is killing them off What is in the sand and is there anything i can do to the sand to stop them eating the sand?

they may suffer from mineral difficiency however there may be something toxic in your sand or some spores of a clostridium bacteria if they have diarrhoea try to check that

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What can correct eating excessive amount of oranges?

The oranges can be removed from the excessive overeater. You can educate the overeater about the specific dangers of eating excessive amounts of oranges and allow them to make an informed decision as to whether they want to continue eating oranges. (There are no specific dangers to eating many oranges, by the way.) You can stop telling them they are eating excessive amounts of oranges.

Does eating sand kill you?

Sand is not good to eat. Small amounts won't hurt.