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what is the controlled variable in the potatoe clock sciense poject

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Q: What are the controls and variables in a potato battery project?
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Related questions

What are the variables in a potato battery?

There are several variables involved in making a potato battery. Specifically, the variables include the potato, two pennies, galvanized nails, and some copper wire.

What is a good title for a potato chip project?

Potato chip project. Crisp Project. Spud chip project. Yummy crips! All about crisps! Potato chips, potato chips!

What does a potato clock look like?

It's a potato used as a battery with the wires connected to a small clock to power it up. Use the link below as there are a number of articles on this science fair project. There are even some video presentations. Good luck with your project.

How does a potato differ a battery?

you can eat a potato

Can a potato turn on a clock?

Based on a science fair project: A potato clock can run for quite a while depending on variables. Two .4 lb potatoes and two one pound potatoes ran a clock for 284+ hours. Lesson learned from this science fair project was to start the project ASAP. The larger potatoes lost power at 561 hours.

What is a conclusion for the potato battery?

Introduction of potato batteries

Can a sweet potato be used as a battery?

Yes, in fact a "Potato" is a great conductor of electricity.

What are the release dates for Potato Phone Project - 2002?

Potato Phone Project - 2002 was released on: USA: 2002

Abstract by making a elictricity from potato?

what is the abstract of potato battery

What is potato power?

Potato Power is making a battery from potatoes.

Is it possible to create a battery using a potato?

Yes, it is possible to create a battery using a potato. This is done by inserting two different metals, such as copper and zinc, into the potato, which acts as an electrolyte. The potato battery can generate a small amount of electricity.

What is the bibliography for potato battery?

Who invented the potato battery? Alessandro maybe that's why it's maybe called volts