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Krill is a shrimp-like marine invertebrate animal

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Q: What are the characteristics of Krill?
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What are the general characteristics of the krill?


What are krills adaptations?

Krill adaptations are certain characteristics of krill that help it survive. For example, female krill can lay 1000 eggs at one time. This helps increase the population.Also they travel in schools of over 5000 to make it difficult to be eaten.

Zooplankton is eaten by?

fish and krill fish and krill fish and krill fish and krill fish and krill

How do you say krill in German?

krill = Krill

Are krill mammals?

No, krill are crustaceans.

How do krill see?

Krill have eyes.

What is krill in the french language?

Krill in French is "krill." The word remains the same in both English and French.

What is the collective noun for a big group of krill?

A group of krill is called a "shoal of krill".

What are groups of krill called?

the group of a krill is called an effusion of krill

What color are krill?

krill are pinkish red

How do you spell krill in french?

le krill

What is a sentence for krill?

Do you mean a sentence with krill in it? Krill are found in the ocean, they are shrimp-like creatures.