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Black chunks? Black or dark flecks in red wine vinegar could be sediment or even very small skin pieces of grape.

What are you storing it in. Any vessel with a speed pour cap can allow small bugs or flys in the vinegar.

When in doubt...Throw it out!

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Hehe, black chunks

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Q: What are the black chunks in your vinegar?
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What can you use instead of sherry vinegar?

brown rice vinegar OR Chinese black vinegar (cheaper) OR red wine vinegar + sugar or honey OR sherry vinegar OR fruit vinegar

What happens when you have saving chunks then the screen goes black in minecraft?

You sit there disappointed...

What does it mean when vaginal bleeding is black with yellow chunks?

See a doctor ASAP!

What is the difference between the undiluted apple cider vinegar and unfiltered apple cider vinegar?

You mean, the difference between unfiltered and filtered apple cider vinegar. All bottled vinegar would at least be strained to remove chunks of mother and fruit flies. Filtering would imply greater removal of sediment and mother particles.

Is black vinegar good for you?

no. black vinegar doesn't contain alcohol. it's take alcohol content to make you drunk.

Why does vinegar turn a fixing nail black?

Vinegar is an acid (acetic acid). It will oxidize metals (causing them to rust)...which can look black.

Does vinigar glow under a black light?

No, vinegar does not glow under a black light. The glow observed under a black light is typically due to fluorescent substances that react to the ultraviolet light emitted by the black light, which vinegar does not contain.

Will vinegar bleach black clothing?

Vinegar is not a bleach and will not lighten or bleach black clothing. It can be used as a natural fabric softener and deodorizer when added to the laundry, but it will not alter the color of the fabric.

What if you vomit up black chunks?

Vomiting black chunks may indicate bleeding in the stomach or upper digestive tract. It is important to seek medical attention immediately, as it could be a sign of a serious medical condition such as a stomach ulcer or internal bleeding.

Is vinegar used with heroin?

Depends on the kind of Heroin. If you are in the UK/Europe then yes, in order to inject the Heroin that is available there it must be mixed with an acid, such as lemon juice, vitamin c, or vinegar. Also, acetic acid which is a purified form of vinegar, is used in manufacturing black tar heroin, and black tar heroin in trun smells of vinegar.

Is there a way to make black hair lighter with vinegar?

If you put half a bottle of vinegar in your hair and leave it for 3 hours then was your hair it will get lighter

How do you cook green beans that have been preserved using vinegar without having a vinegar type pickle flavor?

You need to marinate it in vinigar and put motor oil on it and add vinigar and light it on fire and mash it to mushy chunks. Then you have Vinigar green beans flambe. Yum burnt stuff mush.