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Farmed salmon can tranmet diseases to wild stocks of salmon. If farmed salmon enters the rivers to spawn and interbreeds with wild samon they can contribute to what can be called 'genetical pollution'. As each stock of salmon in each particular salmon river has been adapted to the very conditions in this river, generation after generation, for thousands of years, such an interference is undesirable.

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Q: What are the affects on wild salmon when farmed salmon escape?
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What is the difference between farmed and wild salmon?

Farmed salmon are raised in ponds. Wild salmon are caught in their natural environment.

Is canned salmon considered to be wild salmon?

Whether canned salmon is wild or farmed depends on where the fresh salmon comes from. Some canned salmon is wild caught, some is farmed. The label on the can should say which.

Which is better farmed or wild salmon?

WILD WILD WILD! Wild salmon is a sustainable resource. Out of every red (or nest) two babies survive. That means for every two parents two baby's survive keeping the run the same. Wild salmon is one of the healthiest things you can eat being completely natural. Farmed salmon is given pesticides. Farmed salmon is the modern "chicken" of the sea with growth hormones, pesticide's, and eating there own feces. TRUST ME IM A COMMERCIAL FISHERMAN!

Why do they add dye to farmed salmon?

Dye is added to farmed salmon feed to recreate the pink color that wild salmon get from their natural diet. Without the dye, farmed salmon would be a pale gray color due to the lack of the same nutrients found in their feed as in the natural diet of wild salmon.

How much vitamin D is in salmon?

It depends on the type of salmon it is. Commercially farmed salmon has very little vitamin D, while wild salmon has quite a bit of vitamin D. Wild salmon eat many aquatic plants and animals that are rich in vitamin D. Farmed slamon are fed garbage feed pellets not fit for any animal and the feed contains little vitamin D. Wild salmon is fine for vitamin D. Farmed salmon is a waste of money.

How much is a kilo of salmon fish?

The price of a kilo of salmon fish can vary depending on the location and whether it is farmed or wild-caught. On average, you can expect to pay between $10 to $20 per kilo for farmed salmon and between $20 to $30 per kilo for wild-caught salmon.

How many calories are in 6 oz of grilled salmon?

There are 306 calories in 6 oz of grilled wild Atlantic salmon and 348 calories in 6 oz of grilled fish-farmed (not wild) Atlantic salmon.

Is Scottish salmon wild?

no! scottish salmon is farmed Atlantic salmon. NEVER buy farmed salmon! The fish farmers dye the food the fish eat, so they get a pink meat color. It's not natural at all. If the salmon you're buying doesn't say, what kind it is, don't buy it! the five kinds of wild salmon are- King or Chinook, Silver or Coho, Dog or Chum, Pink or Humpie, and the most poplar, Red or Sockeye. Any other name is farmed salmon and should be avoided at all costs, for your own health and safety.

How many calories in 100 g of cooked salmon?

Calories in a 100g salmon filletHere are examples for both raw and cooked salmon fillets.In raw, wild, Atlantic salmon there are:approx 140 calories in a 100g fillet.In raw, fish-farmed (not wild) Atlantic salmon there are:approx 182 calories in a 100g fillet.

Why do wild salmon taste better tham farm raised salmon?

I think it would There are several reasons: First: A wild salmon swims up to thousands of kilometers from the river it was born to reach the feeding grounds in the sea and then return to spawn in the very same river it was born. The farmed salmon, on the other hand, stays in the salmon farm. Just like the farmers pigs, farmed salmon are fat and lazy fellows. They are not at all as fit as a wild salmon. When smoked, a portion of the bellies of farmed salmon have to be cut of, just because it's awfully fat. Second: Farmed salmon eat fish pellets made from fish. This diet gives the fish pale white or greyish flesh as such a diet doesn't contain any natural carotenes. Carotenes are responsible for the orange colour of the flesh of a wild salmon - because they eat shrimps. The salmon farmers feed the salmon with pellets containing artificial colour. If you search for pictures on Google by googling "salmofan" you will se that the producers can create salmon with virtually any colour you like. The colour of the flesh doesn't influence the taste of the salmon, though. But the diet of wild salmon beeing more diversified: Baitfish and shrimps, ensures it a better taste.

How many calories in a salmon roll?

Calories in grilled salmonIn plainly grilled wild Atlantic salmon there are:approx 51 calories per ounce or 28gapprox 204 calories in an average serving (4 oz or 114g)approx 306 calories in a 6 oz or 170g servingapprox 408 calories in a 8 oz or 227g servingapprox 816 calories in 1 pound or 454g.In plainly grilled fish-farmed (not wild) Atlantic salmon there are:approx 58 calories per ounce or 28gapprox 232 calories in an average serving (4 oz or 114g)approx 348 calories in 6 oz or 170g servingapprox 464 calories in 8 oz or 227g servingapprox 928 calories in 1 pound or 454g.For the calories in vegetables or fruit to serve with salmon, and vegetable and fruit calorie charts, which you may use as daily guides, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.

What are the advantages if I will take Natural Factors Wild Alaskan Wild Sockeye Salmon Oil capsules What are its nutrient contents?

Enteric coating of these Wild Alaskan Sockeye Salmom Oil--in enteric coated capsules helps to prevent fishy after-taste. Wild Sockeye Salmon are very rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These are also free of antibiotic as well as residues of hormones which can be found in farmed salmon.