My Plate was introduced by USDA as a new way to categorize food. The five food groups on my plate are fruits, vegetables, whole grains, protein foods and dairy.
proteins fruits vegetables grains dairy
The five Army Protected EO Categories are:RaceEthnicityGenderNational OriginReligion
what are the five categories of emplyees that are excluded from the basic conditions of emloyment act
The five categories for human culture are...1.government2.architecture3.art4.religion5.technologyThere are actually more than five so the list continues...6.customs7. literature
A baseball plate has five sides.
The five major categories of operation planning are: capacity planning, location planning, layout planning, quality planning, and methods planning.
The five categories of a christian ministry are pastors, teachers, apostles, evangelists and prophets.
You should include at least five categories in your budget to effectively manage your finances.
name and explain five categories of opareting system
(a) five categories of eBusiness Application Types. Give examples.
mammal, reptile, amphibian, insect, bird