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basically the same as carbohydrates. they are needed in the body for energy. they are digested by carbohydrase into glucose into the blood.

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Q: What are startches?
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What are startches made of?

Starch is made of a large number of glucose joined together by glycosidic bonds.

How can you lose the last ten pounds in a week?

just go strictly no carbs.... no breads startches... and also cut back on sodas and such... hope that helps :)

What building blocks are startches made of?

Starches are made up of repeating units of glucose molecules linked together in long chains. The two main forms of starch are amylose, which is a linear chain, and amylopectin, which is branched. These glucose molecules are stored as a source of energy in plants.

Whats a ideal diet for a tennis player?

A good diet for a tennis play is full of complex carbohydrates, protein, and the right fats. Simple carbs offer quicker shots of energy, but complex carbs offer long-term energy. Simple carbs are startches like potatoes. Complex carbs are whole grains and whole wheat. *Make sure the packages for breads and such say 100% WHOLE GRAIN or 100% WHOLE WHEAT. When it says Whole Grains or Wheat, it is an imitation. Make sure you are getting 90-140 grams of good-quality protein a day, and atleast 45 grams of MONOunsaturated or POLYunsaturated fats. *STAY AWAY FROM TRANSFATS! *LIMIT YOUR SATURATED FATS! *EAT A TON OF VEGGIES AND FRUITS DAILY! *DRINK WATER CONSTANTLY Most of all, don't ever over do anything! Just eat when your body tells you to, and make sure you stay away from refined sugars, transfats, and sweets! Stay away from softdrinks like coke, dr. pepper and sprite! Limit your powerades and gatorades, and switch to a drink more like Gookinaid!

Why can we digest starch but not cellulose?

A specific enzyme catalyzes only a specific substrate. Another name for starch is "amylose". So amylase catalyzes amylose. Just like lactase catalyzes lactose. For people who are lactose intolerant, their bodies don't, or in small quantities, produce lactase, so it doesn't get digested. So, only the enzyme "cellulase" will catalyze the hydrolysis of "cellulose".

What is a good diet for a field Hockey player?

A good diet for a tennis play is full of complex carbohydrates, protein, and the right fats. Simple carbs offer quicker shots of energy, but complex carbs offer long-term energy. Simple carbs are startches like potatoes. Complex carbs are whole grains and whole wheat. *Make sure the packages for breads and such say 100% WHOLE GRAIN or 100% WHOLE WHEAT. When it says Whole Grains or Wheat, it is an imitation. Make sure you are getting 90-140 grams of good-quality protein a day, and atleast 45 grams of MONOunsaturated or POLYunsaturated fats. *STAY AWAY FROM TRANSFATS!!!!!!! *LIMIT YOUR SATURATED FATS!!! *EAT A TON OF VEGGIES AND FRUITS DAILY! *DRINK WATER CONSTANTLY Most of all, don't ever over do anything! Just eat when your body tells you to, and make sure you stay away from refined sugars, transfats, and sweets! Stay away from softdrinks like coke, dr. pepper and sprite! Limit your powerades and gatorades, and switch to a drink more like Gookinaid!!!!! how do you know about it

Are chicken wings fattening?

Chicken wings can be high in fat due to their skin and method of preparation (fried vs. baked or grilled). Consuming them in moderation as part of a balanced diet is recommended. Opting for baked or grilled wings and removing the skin can help reduce their fat content.

Which food has the most energy?

Literally all foods will give you at least some form of energy. Sugary foods and sweets will give a quick burts of energy followed by a sudden drop. Foods like carbs and startches (bread, pasta, veggies, fruits, ect.) will give lasting energy. Many carbs will also be able to have stored energy in a person's body to be used at a later event.Carbohydrates including sugars, protein, fats and oilsThere are many foods that contain energy such as power bars. They contain a lot of energy. Vegetables as well contain much energy.carbohydrates, also fats and sugarsCarbohidrates and sugar

How does photosynthesis work in a plant?

Photosynthesis is a process in which plants use sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water to create glucose (sugar) for energy. This process occurs in the chloroplasts of plant cells, where chlorophyll absorbs sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen through a series of chemical reactions. The glucose can then be used by the plant for energy or stored for later use.