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* Vaginal itching * Vaginal discharge that may be thick, white and lumpy like cottage cheese * Vaginal soreness, irritation or burning * Rash or redness on the skin outside the vagina * Burning on urination * Painful vaginal intercourse

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14y ago
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8y ago

The symptoms of a yeast infection are burning and itching on the inside and outside of the vaginal area.

Some of the most obvious symptoms include:

  • Itching
  • Pain during urination or sex
  • Cottage cheese-like vaginal discharge (white or light yellow and clumpy)
  • A general "dry" feeling

In more serious cases there can also be:

  • Severe swelling of the vagina
  • Painful cracks in the skin due to extreme dryness
  • General tiredness and fatigue

Other symptoms include:

  • Yeast infection of the mouth and throat (oral thrush). This is likely to be red with a white coating and may cause pain when eating and swallowing
  • A red and itchy skin rash - particularly in the folds of the skin. This may have slightly raised edges
  • Damaged, discolored, thickened or broken nails is also an indication of possible yeast infection
  • Diaper rash which does not go when treated with the usual diaper rash creams is an indication of yeast infection. The rash may be itchy and painful with raised edges

If you want to know more professional knowledge about it, you could consult online doctors, like Wuhan Dr. Lee's TCM Clinic, they would offer you professional online advises for free.

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12y ago

U Know When You See Your Panties Are black & The Odor Does Not Smell Right & You Just Dont Feel Fresh Down There , So See A Doctor .

The Only Way To Prevevnt It Is If U Dont Wipe Properly , It's Front To Back ! Not Back To Front , & Visit A Doctor If So , :)

-Unknown Wriitter .

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9y ago

A common yeast infection is known as 'Athletes Foot' which is a painful cracking and redness between the toes.

Other yeast infections could be the Virginal Thrush: symptoms are - Itching and soreness around the entrance of the vagina. Pain during sex. A stinging sensation when you urinate. Vaginal discharge, although this isn't always present; the discharge is usually odourless and it can be thin and watery, or thick and white like cottage cheese.

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14y ago
  • Vaginal itching
  • Vaginal discharge that may be thick, white and lumpy like cottage cheese
  • Vaginal soreness, irritation or burning
  • Rash or redness on the skin outside the vagina
  • Burning on urination
  • Painful vaginal intercourse
  • Foul-smelling vaginal discharge
  • Missed periods
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13y ago

The vulva is swollen and painful/itchy, and is redder than usual. There is discharge that looks like ricotta or cottage cheese, and it smells odd like moldy bread.

Vaginal yeast infection and vulvitis cause symptoms that are nonspecific, which means that aside from the yeast infection, other conditions can cause the identical symptoms. The most common symptom of a vaginal yeast infection is itching in the vaginal and/or vulvar area. Other symptoms of vaginal yeast infection and vulvitis include:

* burning,

* soreness,

* pain during intercourse and/or urination, and

* vaginal discharge. (Vaginal discharge is not always present, but when it occurs, the discharge is odorless and typically has a whitish, thick appearance and texture, like cottage cheese.)

Yeast InfectionOver 75% of all women will get a yeast infection at some point in their lives. So, while unpleasant, yeast infections are really quite common. You can discover causes and symptoms of yeast infection in recommended related link below.
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11y ago

There is a wide variety of symptoms however the most obvious sympton is the result of high Glocomiticalistic.

You will notice there are limited amounts of bread in the kitchen, even if you have a girlfriend who goes to the store regularily the yeast monster will eat all your bread. In order to fight him off you will need the following resources: 1x jar of peanut butter, 2x wooden spoons, 1x elastic rubber band and 5x m&m's all coloured blue.


cover the wooden spoons with the peanut butter and freeze it in the fridge. If you do not own a fridge then simply apple peanut butter on the spoon with your tongue. After the Freezing stage tye both spoons together with the elastic rubber band.

This will be used as the trap. The Yeast monster cannot resit the taste of peanut butter on wooden spoons.

Once the yeast monster comes out of hiding (usually at 3am in the morning) you will need to quickly throw all 5 blue m&m's at the monster. This will cause him to shrink into his original form of a red dragon pixie. Grab your net and catch him. You will then be able to bargain with the Gypsie Queen of Theoryuland in the great forest of Gimpkinsy. She will be greedy but hopefully she will give you the map to the potion of heridy which can show if you do have a yeast infection and also cure it.

Equip your +1 mace and travel to Ugular. battle against the strong orks of dinklyberry. after about 10 kills they should drop the potion. however the drop rate is random and may take some time.

Jump three times before taking the potion or else it will kill you.

If everything is followed correctly you should find out if you have a yest infection as a lepricon will spawn at your house with a user guide on STD's.


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10y ago

Yeast, also known as Candida, is a fungal infection sometimes transmitted from one partner to another during vaginal or anal intercourse, or during oral sex, if the partner has thrush (oral candida). Once afflicted, both members of the couple need to be treated with an anti-fungal medication, or they will reinfect each other, or new partners.

If yeast is present only on the outer surface of the penis, the man may be symptom-free because the skin surface is often cool and dry enough to keep the fungus dormant. Yeast needs a warm, moist environment to thrive. Conversely, it is possible for an external yeast infection to dry and crack the affected skin, causing pain during an erection. This problem is more common in uncircumcised men than in circumcised men.

If the yeast enters the urethra, symptoms will be more intense, and may include severe itching (jock itch), soreness and/or pain in the penis, burning during urination or sexual intercourse, a burning sensation at the tip of the penis and/or bright red coloration, rough patches and blisters, or red, itchy bumps, particularly around the glans (head). There may also be a whitish discharge that looks similar to cottage cheese, accompanied by a mild, but unpleasant, smell.

If you suspect you may have a yeast infection (or any STD), see your doctor as soon as possible. Untreated fungal infections can become chronic and almost impossible to cure.

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11y ago

Some symptoms of a yeast infection are easy to spot. A creamy discharge, itchiness and burning of the area are all associated with yeast infections. If a person is experiencing these symptoms they should see a doctor.

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9y ago

A woman with a vaginal yeast infection may complain of unusual clumpy discharge and vulvar and vaginal itching.

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Does a yeast infection burn?

Yes, some of the symptoms of yeast infection is burning, itching, and blotting.

What are the symptoms of candida is it redness?

Candida is another name for yeast infection. The symptoms for a yeast infection are itching and redness in the area of infection. Some babies can get candida in their throat.

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For some good resources to help you with the issue of dealing with yeast infection,symptoms,natural treatments and how to rid yourself of it totally check out

What are some common yeast infections symptoms?

An individual with a yeast infection can experience a wide range of symptoms. For example, genital itching or foul discharge is common. Alternatively, some women experience no symptoms.

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Is there a way to tell if a romantic partner has a yeast infection?

Most of the symptoms of a yeast infection will only be noticed by the woman. These symptoms include itching, burning, soreness, and possibly a discharge.

How long does it take for a women to show symptoms of a yesst infection?

That varies from woman to woman, but a yeast "infection" isnt' something you normally catch. It's overgrowth of a germ normally found in the vagina to the point that it makes symptoms. You can't diagnose a yeast "infection" in a woman with no symptoms.

How quickly do yeast infection symptoms arise in men?

Only women get that

What is the most severe yeast infection symptoms?

Damaged immune system.

Can azithromycin cure yeast infections?

No, in fact, some antibiotics can potentially cause a yeast infection. Yeast infections are caused by yeast and not bacteria. Azithromycin is an antibiotic that acts on bacteria. BV or bacterial vaginosis is like a yeast infection, and it is treated with an antibiotic, but a different one.

Not A yeast infection but symptoms of it?

You need to be seen by a gynecologist. It is likely that you have a bacterial infection called bacterial vaginosis.

What are the symptoms of a yeast infection of the skin or mucous membrane?

A yeast (candidal) infection of the skin or a mucous membrane, such as the mouth, often produces a white cheesy material at the infection site. This type of infection, known as thrush.