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Community style tank would be best for relaxing and smaller. Tetras, Danios, female Betas, cory cats, etc.

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Q: What are some relaxing freshwater fish to watch that can be kept in a ten gallon tank?
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What are some relaxing freshwater fish to watch that can be kept in a ten gallon tank that get along with Betta fish?

Any fish that does not have long fins. p.s. i have a betta named Frodo lol

What is the rule of thumb for stocking freshwater fish tanks?

The rule of thumb for stocking levels in a freshwater aquarium is 1 inch of fish per gallon of aquarium. For instance, five 1" guppies in a 5 gallon tank, or ten 3 inch cichlids in a 30 gallon aquarium.

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How many 6 to 4 inch fish can you have in a 1.5 gallon fish bowl?

The rule to follow for freshwater fish is 1 inch per gallon. For goldfish is it one fish per 10 gallons, and for bettas it is 1 fish per 1 gallon. Fish bowls really are not the best home for any fish. Fish need to be kept in tanks with heaters and fliters.

Is a loach fish a saltwater or freshwater fish?

Loaches are freshwater fish, for example, the clown loach which is a freshwater fish.

Do freshwater fish breed with other freshwater fish?

It depends on which fish it

Are the platy fish saltwater or freshwater?

They are freshwater fish.

Is a betta fish saltwater or freshwater fish?

Redfish are fresh water

Are piranha's freshwater fish or salt water fish?

Piranhas are freshwater fish, living in the Amazon basin.Actually they are both freshwater and salt.... Mostly freshwater though!

Can you have freshwater clown fish?

No, clownfish are typically found in saltwater environments and require specific water conditions to thrive. It is important to recreate their natural habitat, which includes a reef environment with saltwater.

What freshwater fish lay eggs and fit into a new 10 gallon tank?

Danios or glofish would be a good fish to put in the tank. They are schooling fish which means you would need at least three and I wouldn't put more than 5 in a ten gallon tank.

Do freshwater fish need some kind of salt?

Freshwater fish derive small amounts of salt from their freshwater habitat. If you place a freshwater fish in saltwater, the difference in habitat will cause the fish to burst.