

Best Answer

Yours till the moon beams,
Yours till the Chocolate Chips,
Yours till Niagra falls,
Love and lollies,
Catch ya on the flip side,
Gotta boogie,
Peace in the Middle East,
Smell ya later,
Your Majesties exiled servant,
Tag you it,
Later gator,
Coo coo kachoo,
Hugs and rug-burns,
Later tater,
At your service,
LYLC, (love ya like crazy)
GLY&SDI, (God loves ya and so do I)
Like it or not,
Squirrels and salamanders,
Pickles and pimentos,
Stay tuned,
Love, hugs, and sloppy kisses,
Keep your stick on the ice, (In hockey it is the first thing your taught to do while playing the game. Red green (Steve Smith) adoped the phrase and made it his own salutation in 'the red green show'. Its probably not a very good salutation if you have to explain it, but for people know the meaning/reasoning its great.)
See you in the inbox,
Love, kisses, and sexy wishes,
Get me a mars bar while your out,
Till ice skates,
Word to your mother,
Peace, love, and vitamin C,
See you later, sweet potater,
Yours till the amusement parks,
Yours till the water falls,
Yours till the cocoa puffs,
Big hug and a butt squeeze,
May the force be with you,
Yours till the kitchen sinks,
Yours till the butter flies,
Made in Taiwan,
Be kind, rewind,
10 10 till I see you again,
Cheers big ears,
After a while crocodile,
Th-Th-That's All Folks!!
Off like a prom dress,
Holy endings Batman!
Yours 'til the Hersey's kiss,
Yours 'til the candle sticks,
Yours 'til the ice ages,
Yours 'til America drinks Canada Dry,
Yours 'til the lettuce peeks to see the salad dressing,
Yours 'til the tie dies,
See ya 'round like a donut,
Love ya madly, need you badly, miss ya sadly,
Coming to a theater near you,
SSS, (sorry so short)
Off like a dirty shirt,
Peace out cub scout,
Even when your imperfect, your perfect for me,
Yours till the next dance,
With countless kisses,
Yours till the penny drops,
Yours till the goose bumps,
Yours till the bug bites,
Gotta make like a tree and leaf,
Gonna put an egg in my shoe and beat it,
For Goodness sake, draw something on the envelope next time,
Call me or else,
Love and pizza,
Love and watermelon,
Call me when you have money,
Yours till the lip sticks,
Cheers and blueberry pancakes,
This message will destruct in
Toota Lo Kangaroo
SWAK, (sealed with a kiss)
With a firm handshake,
Sealed with a kiss,

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Q: What are some good signatures like yours till the banana splits?
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I believe you are refering to "The Tra La La Song" which was the theme tune to "The Banana Splits TV show in the late 60's & early 70's I believe a U.K. punk band called The Dickies had a hit with it in the late 70's/early 80's. The original version was sung by unknown session men from the American corporation that made The Banana Splits. I seem to remember it may have been released in the U.S.A. only, as "The Tra La La Song" by The Banana Splits (good luck in finding a copy), but the group like the U.K. show Animal Crackers never existed. They were actors hired to play the characters in the furry costumes with unknown session singers doing the music. I hope this helps.

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I think it's good to be flexible so yes.

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A Bunny () (^.^) (| |) " " (") (")

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