

Best Answer

Cupcakes...they're small, easy, and they're fun to make

Plus, if you decorate them with icing and little pieces of confections here and there, it'll be fun :)

Have fun!!!


Try spaghetti with meat balls and a tossed salad and buttered Italian bread.

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Q: What are some good ideas for meals to make with your boyfriend who has never cooked before but you have and you want if to be fun for both of you?
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What part of the mayflower were their meals cooked in?

Most meals weren't cooked, they were prepared, but when they were cooked, they were cooked in the "forecastle" of the ship. This is forwards the front and right off the deck on the same level.

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Home cooked meals are healthier, fast food meals are usually not good for you.

Can meals be paid for with food stamps?

not if they are cooked.

How ready meals are made?

'Cook-chill' or blast frozen meals are almost completely cooked then blast frozen as quickly as possible. Defrosting/reheating completes the cooking process just before serving.

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The cooks

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Sulfur dioxide

A room where meals are cooked on board a ship?

the galley or kitchen

How are cook-chill ready meals made?

'Cook-chill' or blast frozen meals are almost completely cooked then blast frozen as quickly as possible. Defrosting/reheating completes the cooking process just before serving.

Where on the Mayflower was the crew's meals cooked?

Meals weren't cooked on ships in this time. There was too great a chance of the ship catching fire. The crew ate dried meat, water, and hard tack.

What are some good ideas for toddler meals?

Some good ideas for meals for toddlers are chicken tenders, corn, beans, mashed potatoes, and rolls.

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