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they are both multi-cellular

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Q: What are some common things that mammals and fish have?
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Are whales and fish mammals?

Some whales are classified as mammals. Smaller fish are not

What good and bad things do insects do?

birds eat them and fish and reptiles and some mammals

Is there a fish that are mammals?

No fish are mammals. Mammals are vertebrate animals that nurse their young. Mammals have many characteristics in common such as being warm-blooded, having some hair or fur, and being tetrapods (having four limbs, although in marine mammals these are fins).

What types of animals live in the ocean?

fish and aquatic mammals

Are fish monophyletic?

No, fish are not monophyletic. The term "fish" is a paraphyletic group because it includes some but not all descendants of a common ancestor. It does not include tetrapods (four-limbed vertebrates such as amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals) which share a more recent common ancestor with some fish species.

What is the most common things snakes eat?

Depending on the species, some snakes eat primarily small mammals, such as mice, rats and squirrels. Larger species feed on larger mammals. Some snakes feed on amphibians, some on earthworms, some eat birds, some eat fish and others may eat other snakes.

What are some chordata mammals?

All mammals are chordates. Mammals include such animals as humans, dogs, monkeys, etc.

What some common figures of the ocean floor?

fish coral reef star fish lobsters and many other things

What do mammals and fish have in common?

There are many similarities and differences between fish and cetaceans; some similarities that I can think of right now are that both are aquatic, have fins, and are vertebrates.

What mammals are fish?

No mammals are fish. Mammals and fish are distinct groups of animals with different characteristics. Mammals are warm-blooded vertebrates that have hair or fur, while fish are cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates that have scales and gills for breathing underwater.

Which animals have ribcages?

Mammals, reptiles, some fish, and some amphibians.

What kind of plant do fish eat?

It really depends on the fish. Some don't eat plants at all. Just like mammals, fish come in many varieties which eat a wide variety of things. Dog-ma