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The sweetener Stevia is a natural, calorie-free sugar substitute derived directly from the Stevia plant. It can be found in stores under the brand names Truvia and PureVia.

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Q: What are some brand names for Stevia artificial sweeteners?
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What are the names of the currently popular artificial sweeteners?

Some popular artificial sweeteners include aspartame, sucralose, and stevia.

Is stevia an artificial sweetener?

No, it's natural table sugar in a liquid solution with water. When parents started complaining that the first ingredient in most breakfast cereals was sugar, the manufacturers started using all the other names for sugar. Such as sucrose, glucose, corn syrup and many more.

Where can you buy Simply sweet table sweetener?

Be careful what brand of Stevia you purchase. It might be a good idea to find out where the company gets their Stevia from and how it is produced ie. cultivated on a Stevia farm or in a lab and where. A lot are being sold in the stores now but just be cautious. You may want to look into Stevita brand Stevia. They actually cultivate their stevia on farms in Brazil which is one of the places Stevia originated from centuries ago. You can find Stevita Stevia products at In December 2008, the FDA approved Rebaudioside-A (a sweet stevioside extracted from stevia plants) for use as a food additive. It has become available in mainstream grocery stores under the brand names Truvia or PureVia. Otherwise, pure stevioside extract (which includes Reb-A and other steviosides) has been available for years in powder and liquid form from natural food stores such as Whole Foods and Trader Joe's.

What are some sugar substitutes?

Plenty of alternatives: Honey, corn syrup, glycerin, and various sugar alcohols such as malitol and xylitol. Xylitol (birch bark sugar) is another natural sweetener, about 50% the sweetness of table sugar, with a similar consistency. Artificial sweeteners include aspartame (brand names Equal or NutraSweet), saccharin (Sweet'N Low), and sucralose (Splenda).

What is the FDA's status on usage of Stevia Extract in food supplements?

Stevia can be sold as a dietary supplement, but the FDA has banned its use as a food additive. However, in December 2008, the FDA allowed pure Rebaudioside-A extracted from stevia to be used as a food additive. "Rebiana" is the trade name for this product, developed by Cargill. Consume brand names for Reb-A are Truvia (from Cargill and the Coca Cola Company) and PureVia (from PepsiCo and PureCircle).

Is their a soda using stevia?

There are several soda pop brands that are currently using Stevia in their drinks. Some of them are Coke, Pepsi, Sprte Gree, Blue Shy Free, Sans and Zevia. The reasoniing for using this in the soft drinks is because it has nno calories and it is roughly 300 times sweeter than sugar.

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