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Lampreys, and Hagfish, If you like eating tomatoes and drinking icecream through a straw I swear I found my true love eating mayonaise raw. yuck!

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Q: What are some agnatha examples?
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What are examples of agnatha?

Examples of agnatha, or jawless fish, include lampreys and hagfish. These fish are characterized by their lack of jaws, paired fins, and scales. They are considered primitive vertebrates and play important roles in marine ecosystems.

Are Lampreys and hagfishes are examples of what kind of fishes members of the class Agnatha?

jawless fishes

What are the 3 characteristic of agnatha?

I don't know but i will do some research...

Are Agnatha internal fertilized?


What would fish look like if they belong to class Agnatha?

n. 1. a class of eel-shaped chordates with a cartilaginous skeleton lacking jaws, scales, and pelvic fins. Among these are the lampreys and hagfishes. There are some extinct forms.

What types of body covering do Agnatha have?


What does the word agnatha mean?

without jaws

What types of consumers are agnatha?

these are jawless fish which attached themselves by suckers to other fish in order to parasitize off them. Hagfish and Lampreys are common examples

What are identifying characteristics of Agnatha?

Agnatha, also known as jawless fish, lack jaws and scales. They have a cartilaginous skeleton, a round mouth, and a single nostril on their head. Agnatha are also known for their ability to produce slime as a defense mechanism.

Which class of chordates are jawless fish?

Jawless fish belong to the class Agnatha within the phylum Chordata. They are primitive fish lacking jaws, and include groups like lampreys and hagfish.

What are three main groups of fishes?

Class Agnatha

How do class agnatha breathe?

with gills; they're fish!