They have lungs and feet for life on land. I know it sounds crazy but its true Im a Biology teacher of the 10th grade. Most people dont realize that white spotted jellyfish is the only jellyfish with lungs. Its feet are not visable by the human eye.
An dolphins adaptation is to swim
the box jellyfish does but not the other types of jellies; the box jellyfish does not seem to see white, but sees black and red.
so they cannot be spotted by any predators. they are also transparent, witch means the jellyfish is camouflaged. some aren't so transparent. the box jellyfish is quite colorful. some jellyfish are still because the current takes them with it such as the mediterranian jellyfish. the Enchanted Jellyfish is a very colorful creature. so most jellyfish are very active but some are lazy current users.
"Spotted", "speckled"?
Some physiological adaptations of the little spotted kiwi include having a reduced wing size and flight muscles, a keen sense of smell for foraging underground, and a nocturnal lifestyle to avoid predators. They also have a unique reproductive system called "sequential hermaphroditism," where individuals start as females and can transition to become males later in life.
Jaguars stay away from people and live in secluded areas of the rain forest. Their spotted coat helps them to hide.
They require less and little energy to grow
No, some are red, black, or spotted, the colour of the pig will depend on the breed characteristics. For example, Chesters and Landraces are all white, Berkshire are black with white on the ends of their snouts, legs, and tail. Durocs are red, while Spotted pigs have black and white spots.
through mitosis
Tuna Sharks Mackeral Sea Anemone
Box jellyfish are known for the extremely potent venom produced by some species.Box jellyfish most visibly differ from the "true" or Sycphozan jellyfish in that their umbrellas are cubic, rather than domed or crown-shaped. The underside of the umbrella includes a flap, or velarium, concentrating and increasing the flow of water expelled from the umbrella. As a result, box jellyfish can move more rapidly than other jellyfish, with speeds of up to six metres per minute having been recorded.The box jellyfish's nervous system is also more developed than that of many other jellyfish.