No, silicon is a chemical element commonly found in sand and rocks. It is not a mixture of salt and pepper. Salt and pepper are examples of mixtures made up of different substances.
Yes, salt and pepper are pure substances because they are both compounds made up of one type of molecule. Salt is composed of sodium and chloride ions, while pepper is made up of the compound piperine.
For me, the best spice after salt and pepper, is GARLIC!
The previous answer listed was salt. However, salt is not a spice; it is a mineral. Black pepper is one of the most commonly used spices, if not THE most.
Salt is "salo" and pepper is "pipro" in Esperanto.
You do season it with salt and pepper
Salt and pepper can be stored indefinitely.
Salt is a chemical compound and Pepper is ground black pepper. but some one had to be the first one to ground the pepper
Orange with pepper,salt preserves there for pepper would rot it out
100 g of salt has the exact same mass as 100 g of pepper. However, pepper is less dense than salt so equal volumes of salt and pepper would have the salt have a greater mass.