

What are mushrooms are use for?

Updated: 11/7/2022
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14y ago

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I'm not sure if you mean besides the psychedelic aspect or not. Either way, people ingest magic mushrooms to be more in tune with their inner spirit and mother earth. It is a very spiritual thing that shouldn't be abused. It is not a recreational drug at all. It takes away in filters that your mind has so you are seeing everything as it truly is for the first time rather than what your mind has trained you to perceive it as. Basically, they are for spiritual purposes, but there are plenty of kids and people just looking to get ^HIGH^ that will abuse them and not get much more out of the experience besides some giggling and some "pretty colors." Do not take them lightly.

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Armand Stiedemann

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2y ago
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14y ago

mushrooms are used to feel relaxed. It can also help you in medical needs

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