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Ich bin Deutsch (German) aber ich denke dass, es ist:Es ist Farbe, Textur, Form und Größe. Ich denke, dass in English es ist colour, texture, biggness and shape. Is it true?

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Q: What are inherited characteristics of chicken eggs?
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How do you draw a genetic diagram to show if a chickens offspiring will lay a lot of large eggs?

the chicken and the cockerels have to breed in order to lay eggs they would have genes with inherited characteristics. they would also have some environmental characteristics like weight if you'd feed them too much.

Is the colour of a chicken egg an environmental or an inherited characteristic?


What is another name name for an inherited characteristic?


What is the study of characteristics?

The study of inherited characteristics is genetics.

What traits or characteristics do horses have that are inherited?

All traits in horses are inherited.

What birds eggs do you eat?

Usually chicken eggs, but quail and ostrich eggs are tasty.

What is the carrier of inherited characteristics?


What kind of characteristics that can be inherited?


What is carrier of inherited characteristics?


What is the study of inherited characteristics?

The study of inherited characteristics is known as genetics. Genetics focuses on the study of genes, inheritance patterns, and variations in individuals that are passed down from generation to generation. It explores how traits and characteristics are transmitted from parents to offspring.

What are inherited trait that are passed down by your parents are?

Inherited traits passed down by parents are characteristics that you acquire through genes, such as eye color, hair color, and blood type. These traits are determined by the genetic material you receive from your parents and are unique to each individual.

What should be done to eggs of harmful animals?

egg of chicken