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the purple shore crab usually eats anything it can find but mostly feeds on dead sea animals sea lettuce and green algae.

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14y ago
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12y ago

food like insects,plants and more insects.

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11y ago

Like most crabs (apart from swimming crabs) they are bottom feeders and their diet consists of detritus, diatoms, green Algae small Ulva and Enteromorpha.

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12y ago

they live up ur house in Mexico

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13y ago

they eat people only watch urt fingers

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When was Purple shore crab created?

Purple shore crab was created in 1851.

What has the author Corydon Carl Pittman written?

Corydon Carl Pittman has written: 'Demography of the shore crabs Hemigrapsus nudus and H. oregonensis' -- subject(s): Yellow shore crab, Decapoda (Crustacea), Purple shore crab

How many legs does a shore crab have?

A shore crab has 10 legs.

Quick facts about green shore crab?

if you go near the green crab don't bother them or they will snip you and won't let go and it will hurt you and only a person how has worked with crab can get it of and the crab can breack your finger bone if it wants to.

When was Japanese shore crab created?

Japanese shore crab was created in 1853.

What eats the Japanese shore crab?

The Japanese shore crab eater of course.

When was Northern smooth shore crab created?

Northern smooth shore crab was created in 1966.

What is the copmmon name for a shore crab?

green crab or dogga crab

What is the Latin scientific name for the striped-shore crab?

The Latin scientific name for the striped-shore crab is Pachygrapsus crassipes.

what season does the Asian shore crab lives?

The Asian shore crab probably lives in mates under the rocks in the shores.

Where can you find a crab in the sea?

you can find a crab near the shore of the sea.

What eats the shore crab?
